10 Everyday Ideas to Help You Stay Active and Move More

Maintaining an active lifestyle doesn’t mean that you should do workouts alone. Even simple things such as walking around to achieve 10,000 steps has a significant effect on our health. The more we move daily, the further we are from the risk of heart diseases and obesity.

In the pro cheer world, staying active is much even more valuable. For aspiring pro cheerleader candidates, one must stay active to be able to meet the physical demands the entire audition process requires. Current pro cheerleaders must move more all the time to maintain their performance as they did when they were still aspirants. And for alumni pro cheerleaders, staying active is necessary to stay beautiful and capable for life after the years in the squad.

Most of the ideas you’ll find below are simple strategies you can use in your everyday life. And most of them won’t even require a formal workout!

1.  Limit your sitting time

At home or at work we all sit for long hours facing a screen. It can be a television, computer, or phone screen. Minimize these chair times by setting how many minutes you allow yourself to sit. For example, for every activity or chore done, sit for 30 minutes then stand back up and go on to complete your next task.

2.  Ditch conveniences when not in a hurry

When going to the grocery to buy ingredients for your pro cheer diet, park at the farthest space you can find and walk to the entrance of Wegmans. Don’t take the elevator or escalator. Use the stairs. If you live in an apartment complex, the better.

3.  Move faster

As a followup, don’t walk to the supermarket entrance slowly. Instead, do some brisk walking. Take a brisk walk to the park. Brisk walk when you’re going to visit your neighbor or friend. Scale the stairs faster. But, make sure you’re wearing comfortable workout shoes to avoid tripping and incurring injuries.

4.  Increase the beat of your music and go with the tempo

When you’re out jogging, set a playlist of your most upbeat music. The faster the beat, the better. Get in tune with the fast tempo. As much as possible, sync your steps with the beat while you run. You’ll have more fun working out this way.

You can also do this at home even when you’re cooking. Bobbing your head to the fast beat or grooving to the music is also good. 

5.  Devote time for playful activities

Even if you have dance practice and workouts scheduled, increase your activity even more by playing a sport. You can schedule 30 minutes a day to play with your pet if you have one. If you don’t, you can play with your younger siblings or your active older siblings.

6.  Drink a lot of water

A frequent trip to the bathroom means standing up and walking all the time. If you’re at the office, go the extra mile by relieving yourself from a different floor. It’s all a win-win situation for you. Not only will you stay active, but you’re also maintaining a healthy and beautiful skin by staying properly hydrated.

7.  Pace around while you’re on the phone

You may have a habit of walking around the room during a phone call. This is a good thing for you to move more. Don’t feel awkward because of it. Just continue doing you. And if you don’t have this habit, now is a good time to practice it.

8.  Eat your lunch outside the office or home

Talk a walk to the park from your home or to a resto from your office during your lunch. The best thing about this is you’re not only moving more, but you’re also increasing your metabolism and slowly burning fat from walking back and forth.

And if you haven’t noticed, you’re also given the luxury of enjoying the outdoors by simply moving more and staying active.

9.  Workout while watching T.V.

When somebody talks about binge-watching Netflix, we imagine someone being a couch potato eating whatever one can think of. But, what if we can redefine a binge-watch? No more what-ifs! Let’s practice doing it now! You can start by using a treadmill as you watch your favorite show!

No treadmill? Do these workouts instead as you binge-watch then! Or you can do a 30-second plank challenge every time a character says their catchphrase.

10.  Rethink your commute

If you’re going to a place and you’re not in a hurry, why not brisk walk, rollerblade, or bike just to get there? You’ll be saving money from cutting gas and parking costs while moving more and staying active.

Technology and machines make our daily lives much more convenient, and in this convenience comes lenience on our physical health. Whenever you can, always find a way to be fit. Don’t let them lower your chances of staying healthy. Move a lot during the day and rest only when it’s time for bed.

More fitness articles from PRO CHEER LIFE™:

●     8 Best Moves to Strengthen Your Core

●     Leg Workouts and Stretching Exercises for Higher Jumps and Kicks

●     11 Tips to Ease Meal Prep for Health and Wellness

Need a Great Workout Routine for Your Pro Cheer Audition Prep?

Pro cheerleaders stay fit, flexible, and strong so they can give out their best performance in the arena. However, achieving that wow-worthy, toned physique doesn’t happen overnight. You need to arm yourself with the right daily workouts.

Thinking of becoming a pro cheerleader? 

We are offering you our fun, FREE (for a LIMITED time) POM FIT™ INTRO CLASS that teaches you beginner-friendly cardio moves.

To take your cheerleading fitness to the next level, we also have POM FIT™: GAMEDAY1™ - a series of challenging full-body cardio classes that include a body stretch class, kick stretch class, abdominal workout class, and more. 

Join a POM FIT™ class below: