11 Ways to Make Time for Fitness

It can be challenging to make time for fitness while managing your hectic life. This is especially true among those who have plans to audition for a pro cheer team. But the truth is that you can dedicate a few minutes of your day for exercise if you follow the right tips. Also, don’t forget the end results of getting fitter -- you’ll have more energy, feel confident, and have a higher chance of making a pro cheer team. Ready?

1. Commit to just ten minutes.

The act of committing to those few minutes keeps you in the habit of exercising. Make that short amount of time non-negotiable. Whether you’re feeling tired or unhappy, exercise. You won’t ever regret you did it.

2. Involve your family.

If your reason for not exercising is family obligations, why not do some activities with them that count as exercise? You can walk together at the park, ride bikes, or hike. Your family may even appreciate the benefits of exercise and will want to do it again.

3. Wake up early.

Early morning sweat sessions (before the sun rises) works for many people because they enjoy uninterrupted time. Start becoming a morning person! Sleep 30 minutes earlier at night if you must and set a daily alarm on your phone.

4. Make it short but intense.

Want to burn more calories in less time? A short yet intense exercise routine helps you achieve your fitness goals faster. Move as hard and as fast as you can for one minute. For 10 minutes, you can do 50 jumping jacks, 15 bodyweight squats, and 15 bicycle kicks without stopping.

5. Create a workout space at home.

If you don’t have a lot of time to go to the gym, turn any space at home into a mini gym. Doing this will make it easier and more convenient to exercise. All you need is a pair of dumbbells, resistance bands, and a mat.

6. Stand up every hour.

If you work from home or at your office desk for 8 hours, one thing you should do is to stand up more often. Take a break for at least one minute each hour to stand up and walk around. Sitting all day slows down your metabolism.

7. Go DIY.

Take the stairs at work instead of the elevator. Park far from the office building so you can walk. Ride a bike to work if you can. These simple acts help you to become more active regardless of what your schedule looks like.

8. Make a public declaration.

An effective strategy that increases your fitness compliance announcing it in public. Sharing your intentions helps you be more accountable. When people know about your goals, you’re likely to stick with them because you don’t want to disappoint.

9. Track your steps.

Got a fitness tracker? Pedometer? Whether you have your phone or a wearable fitness device, be sure to monitor your steps. Set a daily step goal of at least 10,000 steps per day. Reaching at least 10,000 daily helps you burn up to 3,500 calories a week.

10. Walk your dog.

Spending time with your furry friend outside will count as exercise if you’re intentional about it. Try to walk a little faster than your normal pace. Walking your dog also helps you decrease the stress you feel after a long week or day at work!

11. Watch online fitness videos at home.

Can’t go out because it’s raining? No problem. Online workout videos are a great solution for squeezing fitness into your day. You can sign-up for a streaming membership or a set of pre-recorded pro cheer workout classes. We offer them here at Pro Cheer Life.

Need a Great Routine for Your Pro Cheer Audition Practice?

Pro cheerleaders are renowned for staying fit, flexible, and strong so they can give out their best performance in the arena. However, achieving that wow-worthy, toned physique doesn’t happen overnight. You need to arm yourself with the right daily workouts.

With that, we are offering you our fun, FREE (for a LIMITED time) POM FIT™ INTRO CLASS that ensures great cardio moves you can keep up with.

To take your cheerleading fitness to the next level, we have POM FIT™: GAMEDAY1™ - a series of full-body cardio classes that include a body stretch class, kick stretch class, abdominal workout class, and more. 

Join a POM FIT™ class below: