13 Hacks to Drink More Water Throughout the Day

Your fitness and health are an essential part of life. What’s a great way to keep your cardio health in optimal condition? What enables your muscles and joints to work better for performing those dance routines and exercise moves? That’s right, staying hydrated throughout the day.

Let's explore 13 hacks in this article. Keep reading. 

1. Keep a water bottle as a default inventory

Make sure there’s always a bottle of water in sight. In the car, on the office table, in the kitchen, the bathroom or even your bedroom. The key is to have water available everywhere to remind yourself to drink.

2. Add flavors to your water 

Drinking water all the time can be boring. Why not spice it by having it flavored? A slice of lemon in your jug can not only make drinking water fun but the technique can help increase your metabolism as well.

3. Eat water-filled produce

Staying hydrated and healthy doesn’t always have to involve drinking. Eating watery produce also goes a long way in keeping your body cool. So eat watermelons, lettuce, or cucumber. Have them as a pre- or post-workout snack. 

4. Schedule water drinking on timed intervals

A 45-minute interval for daily activities is an ideal time to drink water. Try to use a water drinking app or use your phone’s timer to remind you to drink water at the 45-minute mark.

5. Drink water for every bathroom break

Urinating or a trip to the bathroom is a signal of our body’s toxin disposal. Every time nature calls, our bodies use water to smoothen the expulsion of excrement. After this, your body's water deposits are used. Replenish that storage by drinking water again.

6. Take a sip of water before meals

This is another way to ensure a healthy habit of drinking water. This also helps to soften up your gut for eating. If you're looking to control your food intake, drinking water before meals increases your feeling of fullness. Just don’t drink too much that would end up feeling uncomfortably full. 

7. Dilute sweet drinks with water

Soda or juices contain a handful of carbohydrates and the craving for such refreshments is hard to ignore. Counter this by diluting with additional water.

8. One to one rule when drinking alcohol

For every glass of cocktail drank, balance it with a glass of water. Or when drinking hard liquor, drink water for a chaser. Who said staying hydrated while enjoying life isn’t possible? Interesting fact: Water as a chaser also prevents or reduces the effects of a hangover.

9. Immediately fill your drained bottle

When downing a bottle of water, refill it again. 

10. Snack on salty but healthy food

Eating salty food can induce thirst afterward. This can help you in achieving the recommended amount of daily water intake. Choose healthy or diet-friendly salty snacks though.

11. Make sure to empty a bottle when working out

Have it as a personal rule to finish a bottle when going out for a run or after a gym session. Since it is important to stay hydrated when sweating, why not make it a habit of hydrating yourself properly instead of going for coffee?

12. Drink water when waiting for the coffee to brew

Waiting for coffee to be ready from the machine is a lot of idle time. Insert this hack of drinking one glass before you drink another mug of that sweet brew.

13. Include hydration in your to-do list

A day can be hectic and forgetting about our key tasks can only be remedied by our to-do lists. Since staying properly hydrated is one of the key components to better health, make drinking water a head-task on the list. 

There are more ways to ensure that you drink water in a day. But I hope the ideas I just shared helps you get off to a good start. The key is to create a water drinking plan and stick to it. 

Need a Great Workout Routine for Your Pro Cheer Audition Prep?

Pro cheerleaders stay fit, flexible, and strong so they can give out their best performance in the arena. However, achieving that wow-worthy, toned physique doesn’t happen overnight. You need to arm yourself with the right daily workouts.

Thinking of becoming a pro cheerleader? 

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