4 Common Workout Mistakes That Could Hurt Your Joints (And How to Keep Them Healthy)

Joints are the areas in our body where bones connect. In between our joints are cartilages - soft bones that allow the mobility of our limbs, fingers, knees, etc. We usually don’t pay attention to them until they start to hurt.

Though commonly experienced by older people, active women like you and I can experience joint pain as well. No, it doesn’t mean we’re getting old. It’s a sign that there is something wrong with the workouts we do. It could even mean that there’s something lacking in our diet.

Below, you’ll find what causes joint pains, how to avoid experiencing them, and what to do to keep our joints healthy.

Workout mistakes:

1.   Your workouts are too much and done too soon

One reason that your joints are hurting is that you immediately go for demanding or high-intensity workouts. You must first let your body adapt to the pressure your exercises will be.

Always start with basic workouts, especially if you’re a beginner or from a fitness hiatus. When your body starts to feel it needs more, move on to exercises with higher intensity.

2.   Repetitive exercises without rest days

When you workout, the joints in your body rub against each other. As we grow older, we move a lot more and the joints in our bodies wear away. The process of cartilage wearing away is hastened with workouts of the same routine.

It is important to have rest days to allow your joints to regenerate.

3.   You’re exercising with the wrong form

There is a reason why workouts have correct forms. This is to reduce pressure and contraction in your joints while equally spreading your weight all over your body. If you don’t follow the correct postures, all your body weight goes to your knees, elbows, hips, and etc.

When the instructions say, “Stand with your foot shoulder-width apart” or “Engage your glutes”, strictly follow them.

4.   Skipping warm-ups and cooldowns

Our muscles, bones, and joints are cold and blood circulation is minimal when we’re resting. If you immediately do physically demanding activities without a warmup, you’re

risking yourself to injuries. This is because cold muscles aren’t good at absorbing shocks or impacts.

Tips to keep your joints healthy:

5.   Always stay hydrated

If your body isn’t well hydrated, it will take fluids from your cartilage which is 80% made of water. We know that you’re cutting back on soda due to its highly refined carbohydrate content. But, there’s also one thing you should look out for - energy drinks.

Instead of drinking energy and other commercialized electrolyte drinks, choose natural sources like watermelon, almond milk, or coconut water.

6.   Stay within your ideal weight

Extra weight puts a lot of pressure on your joints. Being underweight also reduces your muscles mass which makes your joints weak and unstable. Consult an osteopath or a bariatric physician to give you an accurate number of how much you should weigh.

7.   Stretch before a workout session

To prepare your body for a workout, you need to generate internal heat by increasing blood circulation through warmups.

There are three types of warmups: Ballistic stretches which entail bouncing or jerking. Static stretches like muscle-flexing. And dynamic stretching where you move your muscles and joints in a full-range motion.

Cooldown exercises are just as important as warmups because they prevent the pooling of blood in your extremities. One main reason you faint or feel dizzy when you sit down immediately after an exercise.

8.   Prioritize taking Vitamin D and Calcium

Vitamin D is needed for better calcium absorption. You can get a lot of it from sunlight, diet, or supplements. Better yet, tan yourself under the sun while eating foods and taking supplements that are high in Vitamin D and Calcium.

Joints play a vital role in the lives of aspiring and current pro cheerleaders. It is one of your biological components that allows you to dance, workout, and perform tumbles that brings beauty to the arena. Once overused, you can experience mild to severe pain that could hinder your audition preparation or put you out for the season. So take good care of your joints by following the tips above.

Need a Great Workout Routine for Your Pro Cheer Audition Prep?

Pro cheerleaders stay fit, flexible, and strong so they can give out their best performance in the arena. However, achieving that wow-worthy, toned physique doesn’t happen overnight. You need to arm yourself with the right daily workouts.

Thinking of becoming a pro cheerleader? 

We are offering you our fun, FREE (for a LIMITED time) POM FIT™ INTRO CLASS that teaches you beginner-friendly cardio moves.

To take your cheerleading fitness to the next level, we also have POM FIT™: GAMEDAY1™ - a series of challenging full-body cardio classes that include a body stretch class, kick stretch class, abdominal workout class, and more. 

Join a POM FIT™ class below: