5 Dairy-Free High-Protein Smoothies You Should Try

Protein is an important micronutrient your body needs as a pro cheerleader. In terms of energy, it’s the primary fuel source for those in the pro cheer community who follow low-fat and low-carb diets. For beauty, it’s needed to grow thick, strong, and beautiful hair.

There are more important reasons why you should consume more protein. It helps you build lean muscle mass for a great physique. It suppresses your appetite because it takes longer to digest. And lastly, protein consumption helps in alleviating the discomfort you experience from muscle soreness after a workout.

To get more protein doesn’t mean you always have to eat meat, beans, seeds, nuts, tofu, or veggies. There’s one fun and delicious way to get more of this important nutrient and that’s through smoothies.

However, common smoothie recipes contain dairy products that can trigger acne, eczema, allergies, and stomach symptoms especially in women with sensitive skin and lactose intolerance. Studies conducted by scientists even show that regular and too much dairy consumption also leads to heart diseases, diabetes, and ovarian cancer.

In this blog post, we present you with protein-rich smoothie recipes you can enjoy daily. These recipes contain no dairy so you don’t have to worry about skin, stomach, and long-term health problems.

1. Pumpkin

Pumpkins are known to be healthy to your eyes but did you know it also prevents acne? That’s because it’s so rich in vitamin A. The next time you’re going to the grocery, keep in mind to buy pumpkin puree, seeds, and hemp seeds as the main ingredients.

Get the recipe here.

2. Vegan Chocolate

On days when you crave that sweet brown treat, use this recipe to fill yourself up and avoid overeating. It’s important to remember that chocolate is still candy so it has high amounts of calories, fat, and sugar. As a healthier alternative, choose stevia or monk fruit for your sweetener and unsweetened dark chocolate powder for flavoring.

Get the recipe here.

3. Healthy Peanut Butter and Jelly

Here’s a recipe that you can use when you’ve run out of whey protein at home. If you have peanut flour, you can use it as a flavoring for your smoothie. You don’t need to worry about fats as peanut flours have already been stripped of them.

Get the recipe here.

4. Coffee

For your morning routine when you’ll need the extra kick to face the day, prepare this recipe. Drink it as your post-workout beverage or after you’ve bathed from your morning fitness routine. Just don’t put too much brewed coffee. Consuming a lot of caffeine early in the morning will cause you to have a terrible midday energy crash.

Get the recipe here.

5. Energy-Boosting Superfood

Now, this is a smoothie/breakfast that will surely keep you full and energetic throughout the morning. You won’t only get your protein needs from the maca powder, but you’ll also get it from the hemp and chia seeds.

Get the recipe here.

6. Body, Mind, and Soul

As the last recipe on this list, we suggest this smoothie to rejuvenate your physical to mental and spiritual attributes. There are so many ingredients you’ll be surprised how all the flavors will dance in your mouth after every sip.

Get the recipe here.

Please remember that some of these recipes are derived from milkshakes. So if you see recipes from the links that need milk, yogurt, or any dairy product, don’t include them in your smoothie preparation and use almond milk instead. And see to it that you use healthy artificial sweeteners such as stevia as an alternative to sugar.

Because of the lack of dairy products, expect your smoothie’s consistency to be thin. Add more fruits and fruit cuts if you want it to be thicker.

Try more protein-rich recipes here!

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