5 Keys for Professional Cheerleading Audition Success in 2023

Image credit: Miami HEAT Dancers (Instagram)

Buckle up because 2023 might be your year!

Whether it's your first time auditioning or you've already had several tries, you know how nerve-wracking it is to perform in front of judges. But don't worry. Earning your place as a professional cheerleader will be easier once you know what these judges are looking for. So here are 5 essential keys to making it this year and being part of your dream squad.

1. Positive attitude

Positivity is a primary key to success in pro cheer tryouts. Once negative thinking creeps into your mind, you'll have a more challenging time practicing daily. So instead, motivate yourself by looking at your goals and having a positive mindset that you can achieve those goals.

Having a positive attitude also means accepting reality with an open mind. Even if you've practiced hard and prepared diligently, some casting teams have specific requirements like age and skills. So don't get discouraged in one audition. Instead, move on to other opportunities and always do your best.

2. Poise and stage presence

When trying out for cheerleading, you should always aim to stand out. But how can you do that? Remember two things: good posture and stage presence.

Work on your posture by stretching every day. You should have graceful yet firm movements. Moreover, practice your kicks and check your facial expressions, as cheerleaders should keep smiling to lift the team's spirit.

3. Confidence

In every pro cheer tryout, confidence is always a part of the criteria for judging. Confidence is not just being able to smile and shout in front of people. It's executing your routine gracefully and responding to interview questions with clear and concise answers.

To gain confirmation, you first need to trust yourself. Trust your abilities and believe that you can do it. Then, train properly and consistently. You can only trust your abilities when you practice and perfect your routine.

4. Choreography

Professional cheerleading entails fitness, flexibility, and being able to dance. To make it to your dream squad, you must show that you can do different dance steps. It's more complicated than it looks, so practice your dance routine.

Improve your skills and gain experience by attending workshops or taking classes. Keep your movements tight and neat. It's best to show snap in your motions.

5. Right Look

Yes, you should also take note of your appearance. Research the makeup and dress code of the team that you're auditioning for. Experiment with the best look but don't overdo it. It will be helpful if your looks blend with the squads.


Knowing the keys to success in pro cheerleading auditions is easy, but the hard part is applying it in real life. Tryouts require both mental and physical preparation. So get started by practicing as early and as much as possible. Good luck!

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