6 Tips to Automate Good Habits for the Auditions and Beyond

Habits are routines of behavior and changing them can be hard to do. This is because a habit tends to occur subconsciously. A good example of this is changing your sleeping pattern. Instead of going straight for the bed to get a good night’s rest, you mindlessly scrolled through Twitter until 2 am.

But truthfully speaking, it’s just a matter of psychological control. The faster you can identify your wants from your needs, the easier it is for you to automate good habits. How does this work? If you quickly recognize your needs before your wants, you can easily put the former first and remove the latter.

When you consciously think that you need to sleep early every night, you’ll eventually forget that you wanted to take your phone with you to bed. This is one technique of mindset shifting that could form good habits and you’ll find more of them below.

These techniques will also help you preserve these good practices that you’ll carry after the auditions and being in a pro cheer squad.

1.  Remove electronics from your bedroom

Getting a goodnight’s rest is hard nowadays especially with technology having a lot of functions for leisure activities. During the night, it can be tempting to binge-watch on Netflix or scroll surf the web through our phones.

Most of the time, we find ourselves wide awake past midnight. This results in stress, a weakened immune system, and weight gain. Before going to bed, leave your phone on silent mode in the living room. If you have a TV in your bedroom, remove it so you’ll have a habit of sleeping early with no interruptions or distractions.

2.  Practice portion control

It is repeatedly stressed that you should control your calorie intake for fitness. That is why aside from choosing healthy food, you should also eat them in moderation. Even eating too many vegetables, fruit, and meat can result in weight gain.

Store your large plates away and replace them with smaller ones. When choosing your meals, make it a complete package. For example, every meal you prepare must include vegetables for vitamins, meat for muscle toning, and unprocessed carbs for energy.

The key here is to eat food with enough nutrients needed for the day. Once you get used to eating in healthy proportions, you’ll start to feel uncomfortable by the idea of stuffing yourself with food more than what your plate can handle.

3.  Delete games and social media from your phone

If you’re not scrolling through your phone at night, you can still be distracted and bothered during the day. Social media may cause you some psychological distress by showing bad news or things that you disagree in general.

Even games can be a triggering factor to procrastinate. You might find yourself lost in playing and forget to skip a workout session. If you can’t take these apps away from yourself, at least limit your using hours and schedule them on times where you’re already done with all your audition prep activities.

4.  Be patient when building a habit

Have you ever wanted to foster a habit of doing a fitness activity yet it just won’t stick?  You’re not the only one who finds it difficultly frustrating to work. The thing is, it is only infuriating at first due to a conscious effort.

It takes 2-3 months of regular activity engagement to make that activity a habit. So be patient and keep your cool during the early weeks of your habit-building journey. Someday you’ll find yourself lacing your shoes for a run without being reminded of it.

5.  Schedule to do a pro cheer habit and follow is strictly

While you’re on a conscious effort to make changes permanent, get some assistance from technology or a written reminder. For example, if you want to workout every day, set a phone alarm for it. And when the alarm goes off, don’t make excuses to skip your exercises.

You can also write it on your planner if you use one. But the technique that I’ve found most effective is to create an image of an activity reminder and use it as my phone’s lock screen.

6.  Invite others

Another way to build a fitness habit is to entice like-minded individuals into joining you. A good example of this is challenging your family and friends to switch to a healthier diet. If they want to eat healthier, the easier it is for you to automate the fit lifestyle practice.

This is a very effective tip because you and the people you invite get to hold each of yourselves accountable. If you’re about to eat something unhealthy, the other party will stop you and remind you of your goals. You’ll also do the same for them!

Automating new habits in your life isn’t easy. The more good it brings you, the harder it is to foster. The process will also take a long time. But remember to stay calm and not let the struggle frustrate you. Instead, keep your mind clear and your heart open so it will be easy for you to follow your habit setting cues.

Do You Picture Yourself As A Professional Cheerleader? Get Expert Advice From Someone Who's Been There.

If you dream of joining a dance team audition but have no idea on how to get started, my book entitled Professional Cheerleading Audition Secrets: How To Become an Arena Cheerleader for NFL®, NBA®, and Other Pro Cheer Teams will guide you every step of the way.

I wrote this book because I WOULD LOVE FOR YOU TO DISCOVER the best tips and advice on staying fit and beautiful, adopting the right mindset, maintaining your image, and more... so you can MAKE YOUR DREAM TEAM! 

My tips are based on my 20+ years of experience in the professional cheerleading industry.

Grab a copy of my book by clicking the text or image below:

Professional Cheerleading Audition Secrets: How To Become an Arena Cheerleader for NFL®, NBA®, and Other Pro Cheer Teams