7 Diet Plans to Help With Weight Loss In 2021

You may have followed some diet plans last year that didn’t yield your expected weight loss results despite sticking strictly to them. Others may have been hard to follow because they didn’t fit your food preference. Don’t worry, there are a lot of diet plans out there. Here are some for you to try. And if you find one of the diet plans that failed you in this list, you might find what went wrong and how to do it right.

1. Flexitarian Diet

This diet emphasizes plant-based goods such as fruits, veggies, and whole grains. Even your protein source is plant-based. However, you still get to eat animal meat as a twice or thrice a month treat. Experts consider the flexitarian diet the best in weight loss due to its high-fiber low-calorie discipline.

2. Weight Watchers Diet

Many love the weight watchers diet due to its free-for-all diet discipline. You can eat anything you want, even fast food. However, each food has an assigned point value based on its nutritional value and you’re not allowed to eat beyond your allotted points.

3. Mediterranean Diet

If you’re not into a fully plant-based diet plan but want to eat with certain restrictions, the Mediterranean diet is your best choice. Your main food sources will be plant-based plus fish, other seafood, legumes, beans, olive oil, and nuts. Dairy products are eaten in moderation while red meat and sugar are left as treats.

4. DASH Diet

The dietary approaches to stop hypertension (DASH) diet is an eating discipline that prohibits the consumption of foods with refined sugar, saturated fats, red meat, and salt. However, you can still eat plant-based food and other protein sources like the ones found in the Mediterranean diet.

5. Mayo Clinic Diet

Similar to the DASH diet, the mayo clinic diet reduces your consumption of certain food types. The differences are: You can eat meat but only in limited quantities per meal. Full-fat dairy products are seldomly eaten. You’re not allowed to eat while facing a device like a computer, TV, or phone. A daily 30-minute exercise is mandatory. And breakfasts are more plant-based with whole grain.

6. MIND Diet

The MIND diet is a combination of Mediterranean and DASH. This diet means Mediterranean-DASH intervention for neurodegenerative delay and is designed to make you lose weight while boosting your brain health - very important for an alert and happy pro cheerleader.

It is said that this diet allows you to eat at least three servings of whole grains per day. You’re also required to eat a salad and drink one glass of wine. Your snacks will mostly be nuts and every other day you’re required to consume at least half a cup of beans. 

7. Vegan Diet

For those aspiring and current pro cheerleaders who aim to lose weight while shunning all kinds of meat and animal products, you should choose to go vegan. The vegan diet is one of the best diets for weight loss due to a majority of similarities to the flexitarian diet - high-fiber low-calorie discipline.

However, a vegan diet may pose some risks for pro cheerleading activities because of a limited calcium and protein source. You might lack the strength and stamina to dance or perform stunts. The risk of bone injuries might also be higher and recovery might take more time.

It’s also important to understand that the vegan diet doesn’t prohibit products with refined carbs such as pizza dough, pasta, sweets, pastries, salty potato chips, and other kinds of desserts and treats. This means you need to increase the servings of your protein and calcium source while avoiding junk food and meals with high refined carb content.

So which diet fits you best? Once you have chosen one, do extra research and consult your physician if it’s right for you. Some diets work well on certain body types while others can cause negative effects especially in people with certain health conditions.

More articles for dieting here:

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