7 Explosive Plyometric Workouts For Better Body Speed, Balance, and Power


For aspiring pro cheerleaders, prepping your body for the auditions is no easy task to do. You need to achieve a slim figure to pass those healthy and fit looking body criteria by the judges. You also need to train your body so it can keep up to the athletic dancing and stunts the job requires.

One of the ways to build agility and power for energetic pro cheer stunts is plyometric training. Plyometrics are explosive workouts where your target muscles exert maximum force in very quick durations. The purpose of this style of exercise is to increase your muscle power where you can do higher jumps while training your body for perfect landing balance.

Running alone outdoors and dieting is not enough for better weight control. Here are explosive exercises you can do that will surely burn a lot of fat while improving your body’s athletic performance.

1.  Reverse Lunge Knee Ups


  • Start by standing in a lunge position with your left foot forward and your right foot at the back.
  • Put your right hand on the floor next to your left foot.
  • Extend your left arm backward in a straight manner.
  • Explosively jump up.
  • Bring your right knee up as high as you can.
  • Lift your left arm and drop your right arm back and down.
  • Upon landing, move back into the starting lunge position.
  • Do this for 30 seconds.
  • After 30 seconds of repetition, switch to the opposite side.

2.  Clapping Push-Ups

  • Start in a push-up position.
  • Lower your body down to the floor.
  • When you press up, push hard enough so you can lift your hands and body as high off the ground as possible.
  • Clap your hands together at mid-air.
  • Go back to your starting position.
  • Do this for 30 seconds.

3.  Box Jumps (Start at 3:40)


  • Start in a standing position in front of a box.
  • Squat down then jump onto the box with both feet.
  • Lift your arms up when jumping for momentum.
  • Jump up and backward down off the box.
  • Land gently with your knees bent.
  • Do 2 to 3 sets of 8 to 12 reps.

4.  Stairway Hops

  • Start on a standing position at the bottom of a staircase.
  • Hop up the stairs on your right leg.
  • When you’ve reached the top, carefully walk back down.
  • Then do the opposite side by hopping unto the stairs with your left leg.

5.  Tuck Jumps


  • Stand with your knees slightly bent.
  • Your feet should be shoulder-width apart.
  • Bend your knees and your body downward.
  • Jump up as high as you can.
  • Keep your arms forward at chest level.
  • Bring your knees up towards your chest.
  • Do this for 2 to 3 sets of 10 to 12 repetitions.

6.  Box Drill

  • Engage your calves and jump around on the corners of an imaginary square.
  • Begin by balancing on your right foot with the knee slightly bent.
  • Keeping your arms loose on your sides for better balance. You can keep your arms at chest level for a better challenge.
  • Hop to the right, landing only with your right foot.
  • While standing on your right leg, hop to the front, then left, and then back.
  • Switch to your left leg and reverse your direction while focusing on quick and small jumps.
  • Make the drill easier by performing the exercise on both feet and focus on building speed as you jump in the imaginary square.

7.  Single-Leg Deadlift With Jump

  • Start in a standing position.
  • Extend your right foot back behind your body.
  • To improve your balance, do not touch your right foot to the ground.
  • Make your body parallel to the ground.
  • Reach your right hand toward the floor.
  • Level your right foot with your hip.
  • Set your body upright and explode upward.
  • Build momentum with your right knee.
  • Use your left leg to bend down and jump upward.
  • Extend your left arm overhead.
  • Make sure to jump as hard as you can and lift your left foot off the ground.
  • Do 5 to 10 sets on your first side then switch to the other side.

Explosive plyometric workouts are very demanding in both your balance and energy. Make sure to do them carefully with proper form. Don’t rush in completing your sets and always nourish yourself with proper pre and post-workout snacks.