7 Pro Cheerleading Beauty Tricks For Gorgeous Skin

Photo courtesy: Miami Dolphins Cheerleaders

Your skin plays a major role in protecting your body from harmful elements in the environment. How your skin looks is a clear indication of your internal health and daily habits. So whatever your habits are, whether you smoke, exercise, eat healthy foods, or fail to apply sunscreen, it'll all show on your skin. 

You can't be lax about skin care - especially if you're a professional cheerleader or planning to be one soon. As an ambassador of a sports team, you need to be your best self. Your health and beauty matter more than you think they do. Consciously or unconsciously, you are being judged by every person you meet. As a pro cheerleader, you are in the spotlight even when you're not at a team activity. 

Have a routine that will give your skin all the care it needs. Follow these tips to maintain a flawless, youthful complexion. 

1. Avoid going to bed with makeup on

After an exhausting day at work and cheer rehearsal, you feel like sleeping as soon as you arrive home. Spending the night with your makeup may seem harmless but in reality, it does serious damage to your skin. Dirt and dead skin cells are not removed and these can clog your pores, leading to pimples. Moreover, the makeup you wear can prevent the process of skin renewal which leads to wrinkles and fine lines. Cleanse your face before bedtime with makeup wipes and a gentle cleanser. Your skin will thank you later. 

2. Drink liters of water morning to night. 

If your skin lacks hydration, it becomes dry and flaky. Remember that 70% of your body mass is made up of water. Keeping your body well-hydrated with lots of clean water can make a huge different in the appearance of your skin. It's the best all-natural alternative to costly anti-ageing treatments. Water does make you look younger by keeping your skin supple and elastic. Preventing acne breakouts, it lessens the concentration of oil on your skin. Bring much more water than you think you will need. Remember, you will be dancing all day, and dehydration can sneak up on you. 

3. Sleep on a clean pillowcase. 

Your pillowcase might be the culprit behind your acne breakouts. It can harbor bacteria and allergens which transfer to your face. According to Dr. David E. Bank, founder and director of The Center for Dermatology, Cosmetic and Laser Surgery, pillowcases can be the cause of acne mechanica, the kind of acne you get as a result of pressure or rubbing of the skin. Your pillowcase should always be freshly washed. Use one side of your pillow and then use the other clean side for the following night. Not everyone's skin is sensitive with pillowcases but it's better to be safe than sorry!

4. Exercise daily. 

Exercising daily to get yourself ready for the pro cheer tryouts (if you're an interested applicant) does more than just keeping your belly fat at bay. It increases blood flow throughout your body, giving your skin a pinkish, healthy glow. When you exercise, you'll also sleep more soundly. This means lesser eye bags and fewer wrinkles! Working up a sweat allows your pores to dilate and this helps get rid of toxins, dirt, and oil that can cause acne or blackheads. Before and after a workout session, make sure to wash your face. 

5. Be careful of your snacking habits. 

Snacking often gets a bad rap since we associate snacking with a bag of chips and soda. Snacking is supposed to supply you with the right nutrients for you to have an additional boost of energy and look good. It has been shown that foods rich in sugar or trans fat can accelerate the breakdown of collagen in your skin. This process leads to noticeable wrinkles. Don't just pay attention to your regular meals. Be a smart snacker. Choose low-calorie, healthy snacks that cleanse and keep your skin healthy such as grapes, organic kiwis, celery stalks, and apples. 

6. Manage your stress the right way. 

Being constantly stressed can mess with your appearance. Stress triggers an inflammatory process in your body which can make you prone to skin irritation like allergies and pimples. Cortisol is a stress hormone that's released by your body when you're stressed and this hormone and this can interfere with your skin's natural healing process. Whatever you're dealing with, make sure to take good care of your emotional health. Get restful sleep. Practice positive coping strategies. 

7. Exfoliate. 

Exfoliation is an important skin care practice you shouldn't miss. The process involves stripping away dead skin cells from the surface of your skin to expose more radiant skin. Exfoliation also improves your blood circulation. To get started, use a loofah or exfoliating gloves (for your entire body while you bathe) and an exfoliating cleanser for your face. As a rule, exfoliate your skin gently - and no more than 2 to 3 times a week to prevent dryness and irritation. Don't forget to apply a moisturizer or lotion.

Final Thoughts

Achieving gorgeous skin involves a combination of healthy practices and using the right beauty products. Love your skin and it will love you back! Follow these simple beauty tricks to maintain a high standard of beauty as a professional cheerleader. 

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