8 Small Changes You Can Make to Improve Your Health Starting Today

One thing that you should understand is that health matters a lot in helping you achieve a pro cheerleader’s physique. Good nutrition and healthy habits are as important as working out regularly. 

Think about it: When you nourish your body with good food, you’re able to have more energy. You’re also less likely to get sick. 

But oftentimes, we ignore the aspect of health in our pro cheer audition prep journey. The good news is, even the smallest things make a huge difference in your health.

Here are 8 ideas to get started:

1. Snack on natural foods.

You don’t have to give up on snacking. Snacking is an essential part of one’s day, especially among active individuals. What you can do instead is to replace potato chips with natural options like nuts, apple slices, cucumber slices, and eggs.

2. Establish a sleep schedule.

A lack of quality sleep does more than making you cranky. It robs you of the energy you need to workout and make healthy food choices. Aim to go to bed and wake up at the same time each day. Fall asleep faster by relaxing your mind before bedtime.

3. Reduce your sugar intake.

Added sugars in processed foods can cause weight gain by making you want to eat more. Cut back on sugar-filled drinks and desserts. Eat fruits instead. If you sweeten your coffee, use stevia or lakanto monkfruit sweetener.

4. Plan your meals each week.

It may sound tedious, but pre-planning your meals save you from a lot of stress and regrets. Plus, you’ll be satisfied knowing that all your meals are healthy. Start by researching simple recipes. Embrace frozen fruits and vegetables.

5. Always bring a bottle of water with you.

Do you often forget to drink more water? The easiest way to ensure that you stay hydrated (so you’ll have more energy and less cravings) is to carry a bottle of water with you. Whether you’re going to work or the gym, keep a water bottle on hand.

6. Eat mindfully.

Mindful eating entails slowing down when you consume your food. Remove distractions when you eat. Savor each bite. When you do this, you’ll end up eating less and digesting your food better.

7. Avoid caffeine in the late afternoons.

If you have trouble relaxing at night time, you might be consuming caffeine later in the day. In this case, it’s best to limit coffee drinking for morning hours. That way, caffeine doesn’t interfere with your sleep.

8. Turn TV time into fitness time.

Many aspiring pro cheerleaders live busy lives. Because of that, going to the gym daily isn’t realistic. Aim to find opportunities to get fit. Instead of relaxing on the couch to watch television, use that time to workout.

Final Thoughts

And there you have it! 8 simple healthy habits you can incorporate into your daily life - and pro cheer audition prep. Becoming a healthier pro cheer candidate doesn’t have to be complicated. If you start taking these steps, I can assure that you’ll experience more positive changes in your appearance, energy levels, and overall performance.

Need a Great Workout Routine for Your Pro Cheer Audition Prep?

Pro cheerleaders stay fit, flexible, and strong so they can give out their best performance in the arena. However, achieving that wow-worthy, toned physique doesn’t happen overnight. You need to arm yourself with the right daily workouts.

Thinking of becoming a pro cheerleader? 

We are offering you our fun, FREE (for a LIMITED time) POM FIT™ INTRO CLASS that teaches you beginner-friendly cardio moves.

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