A 5-Step Plan to Banish Sugar Cravings for Good

A lot of people battle with sugar cravings. If you’re reading this blog post, chances are, you face the same challenge.

Previously I wrote about the ways being a sweet tooth is bad for your skin. Too much sugar doesn’t only affect your appearance, it also increases your risk for weight gain, cardiovascular disease, and certain cancers. Not to mention, excessive sugar consumption creates a vicious cycle of more cravings. 

As a current or aspiring professional cheerleader, you know that in order to give your best performance, you need to pay attention to what you eat.

What could be causing your sugar cravings?

Before you’re able to surpass a problem, it’s important to identify the factors behind it. Sugar cravings can mean different things. Let’s take a look at why they happen.

  • Constant stress or pressure - There is truth behind “stress eating.” Stress messes with your hormones, especially cortisol. While cortisol is beneficial to the body, constant elevation makes you crave sugar. It also promotes visceral fat storage.
  • You ate too much salt - Pre-packaged and processed foods contain a lot of salt and you don’t know it. The higher the salt content of your food, the more likely you’re going to crave for sugar.
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) - This health problem happens in 1 out of 10 women. What most women affected with PCOS complain about is their frequent cravings for sweets and carbs. Your body’s resistance to insulin makes it nearly impossible for you to resist sweets.

5 Simple Ways to End Sugar Cravings

Perhaps at this point, you feel that there is no real solution to this never-ending struggle - but there is. Below are actionable tips to help you take more control over your health. Remember, good health is the most valuable investment in your pro cheer career.

1. Learn to manage your stress.

Whether it’s a deadline you missed or a fight with a loved one, it’s important to identify a stressor and deal with it when it occurs. Taking a pause followed by a few deep breaths slows down racing thoughts and reduces anxiety. Focus your attention more on the solution because it’s what compels you to move forward. Journal your thoughts.

2. Eat a proper meal.

Do two things here: First, don’t starve yourself. Second, plan your meals for the week. Going on a restrictive diet may reduce your calorie consumption but this practice often backfires. The next thing you know, you overeat. On the other hand, meal planning is a great technique because it eliminates uncertainty and encourages you to experiment with healthy foods. Meal planning is a priority especially if you’re dealing with a health issue like PCOS.

3. Go for a brisk walk.

A simple yet overlooked way to get rid of a habit is to distance yourself from it. Go for a walk outside for 15 minutes. You can listen to pop music or a guided meditation episode to take your mind off the craving. Walking is also a form of exercise and as you already know, exercise boosts endorphin - this curbs your cravings.

4. Take dietary supplements.

You’d be surprised to find out that nutrient deficiencies increase your likelihood to crave for unhealthy treats. Calcium and magnesium stores, for example, get depleted when you’re under too much stress. These minerals are natural stress relievers. Other nutrients that prevent overeating the bad stuff include omega-3s, vitamin C, iron, and zinc. But as always, consult with a physician. 

5. Get moving.

If you want to join a professional cheer team months or a year from now, regular workouts are a great strategy not just to beat sugar cravings but also to prepare for the auditions. Have a good workout regimen and walk into auditions toned and in shape.   

Professional cheerleading is a lifestyle - A lifestyle dedicated to fitness.

Cheerleaders are renowned for staying fit and strong so they can give out their best performance in the arena.

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