Audition Prep: 6 Ways to Step Out Of Your Comfort Zone

Stepping out of your comfort zone is easier said than done. That’s because we’re controlled by our habits. It feels safe to continue doing the things we’re used to. But unless you take that first step to change, you’ll never grow into the person you’re meant to become — a professional cheerleader.

I’m not asking you to make a drastic change. Rather, I’m asking you to take small, realistic steps that lead to real improvement. If you’re ready, read the tips below on stepping outside your comfort zone so you can get closer to your dream.

1. Identify what’s outside your comfort zone.

The first thing you need to do is become more aware of the things that make you feel uncomfortable but lead to growth. Ask yourself, “What am I afraid of doing but is worth it?” Maybe that’s taking a dance class. Or being consistent with your workouts no matter what. Perhaps that is joining a program for your public speaking skills.

2. Read an audition prep book for a month.

Nothing beats getting a good foundation of pro cheerleading. If you can, find a book that will teach you the basics of preparing for a dance/pro cheer audition. Make a commitment to finish that book within 4 weeks. Reading should help open your mind to new ideas and may even 10x your audition prep performance.

You might want to check out my book “Professional Cheerleading Audition Secrets: How To Become an Arena Cheerleader for NFL®, NBA®, and Other Pro Cheer Teams” or grab my book BONUSES.

3. Start eating clean!

Improving your diet may sound easy… but believe me, it is a huge challenge. Your body has been used to certain foods (that are actually bad for your health). Quitting those junk foods and replacing them with natural options is going to be a struggle. But when you stick with it, you’re going to FEEL and SEE the difference.

Besides weight loss, your energy soars, you’ll feel fuller, sleep better, and your skin will get clearer!

4. Learn football rules.

As an aspiring pro cheerleader, it’s important to learn football terms. But not just that. You also need to get familiar with the important people on the team. I understand this task can be daunting, but when you nail all the information, you’ll have a greater chance of acing the interview round. If you were asked, “Who is the football organization’s president?” would you know what to answer?

Here’s a key tip: Aim for the knowledge level of a team fan. Watch sports on TV or YouTube or read a Football for Dummies ebook! (Alternative: Basketball For Dummies)

5. Catch yourself making excuses.

You may be living a life of endless excuses but you’re not even aware of it. Excuses are rationalizations we make to defend our behavior. Instead of admitting our shortcomings, we blame them on people or circumstances.

Here are common excuses:

  • I don’t have enough time.
  • I don’t have enough money.
  • I’m too old to do it.
  • I lack the knowledge or experience.
  • I cannot change no matter what.
  • Now is not the right time. 

One powerful way to quit making excuses is to focus on your STRENGTHS. Most importantly, stop comparing yourself with others.

6. Hang out with people who are making real progress.

These people could be aspiring pro cheerleaders. They could be friends who are fitness enthusiasts, into dancing, or anyone who’s achieved a goal that’s relevant to pro cheerleading. If we hang out with successful people, we are motivated to move beyond our comfort zones.

These are just some of the many ways to embrace discomfort for success. Again, the key is to take baby steps. Focus on progress, not perfection.

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