Fat-Burning Heart Rate: What Is It And How Do You Calculate It?

Aspiring and professional cheerleaders workout most of the time just to maintain a great physique. In that endeavor, we've heard about the fat-burning zone. But what does it mean, exactly? How do we know when we’re there? How do we calculate it and what kind of exercises should we do? Let’s explore below.

What Is the Fat-Burning Heart Rate Zone?

The fat-burning heart-rate zone is your heart rate at the low-intensity level workout. This is where your body burns fat the most. Your heart rate determines whether you’re in your fat-burning zone or not. Getting in the lowest point of fat burning heart rate zone makes your body use its stored fat for fuel instead of glycogen (the storage form of carbs). 

There are different heart rates for every level of intensity and each heart rate or level of intensity dictates which stored energy in your body is used for the exercise. 

How to Calculate Your Fat-Burning Zone

To calculate your heart rate and to determine whether you’re in your fat-burning zone, figure out what your maximum heart rate (maximum heartbeat in a minute) is first. Subtract 220 with your age (Max. Heart Rate = 220 - your age). For example, if you’re a 33-year-old beauty, then (MHR = 220 - 33, MHR = 187) your maximum heart rate is 187 beats per minute. 

Next, your minimum fat-burning zone is 50% - 70% heartbeats of your MHR.

So for example (0.70 x 187 = 130.9 or 131 heartbeats / minute).

Or (0.50 x 187 = 93.5 or 94 heartbeats / minute).

Your heart rate to get in your fat-burning zone would be 94 heartbeats per minute. 

The more intense your workout is, the higher your heart rate. Here are the different levels of workout intensity based on heart rate (HR). 

  • Low-intensity workout starts at 50% - 70% HR (light cardio / warm-up level / stored fat is burned) - THIS IS YOUR FAT BURNING ZONE. 
  • Moderate-intensity is at 70% - 80% HR (you can still talk while working out)
  • High-intensity is at 80% - 90% HR (out of your comfort zone / anaerobic threshold)
  • Maximum effort is at 90% HR - MHR (even professional athletes can’t maintain for a few minutes)

Exercises That Will Help You Get Into Your Fat-Burning Zone

For beginners, many everyday activities can stimulate the low-intensity heart rate zone such as walking long distances alone or with your dog. Try not to use your car and instead walk or bike to work or choose to take the stairs instead of the elevator

If you love to run, slow jogging will keep you in the low-intensity to medium-intensity zone at a moderate pace. If you’re new to running, warm-up with a brisk walk first before a run. Set a goal of running long distances at a slow pace from 3 to 7 days per week. 

Gym-goers can achieve a maximum fat-burning result by these three simple routines:

  • Three cardio exercises with equal amounts of time like using the treadmill, rowing machine, and the elliptical with 8 minutes each.
  • Staying on the low-intensity level or following the Wahoo Fitness Burn Zone.
  • Do each workout routine above for about 5-7 days a week and optionally mix/add different cardio exercises.

A heart rate counter is as important tool as well to measure the intensity of your exercise. Use a smartwatch while working out or be sure to place your hand properly on the treadmill’s pulse sensor.

Need a Great Workout Routine for Your Pro Cheer Audition Prep?

Pro cheerleaders stay fit, flexible, and strong so they can give out their best performance in the arena. However, achieving that wow-worthy, toned physique doesn’t happen overnight. You need to arm yourself with the right daily workouts.

Thinking of becoming a pro cheerleader? 

We are offering you our fun, FREE (for a LIMITED time) POM FIT™ INTRO CLASS that teaches you beginner-friendly cardio moves.

To take your cheerleading fitness to the next level, we also have POM FIT™: GAMEDAY1™ - a series of challenging full-body cardio classes that include a body stretch class, kick stretch class, abdominal workout class, and more. 

Join a POM FIT™ class below: