Having a Growth Mindset Helps You Win Every Time

I’ve met and spoken with women who dreamed to become professional cheerleaders since they were little. I’ve also met and spoken with women who recently opened their hearts to professional cheerleading. Current professional cheerleaders come from both camps. 

Meaning, it doesn’t matter whether you had this childhood dream or not. Both have a chance of making a team. The difference is in the kind of mindset you have - a GROWTH MINDSET or a FIXED MINDSET.

But Flavia, what does having a growth mindset mean?

Humans as we are, we have this tendency of making excuses and holding on to past beliefs when faced with circumstances that challenge our capabilities.

“I know that waking up early develops my discipline in fitness. But I’m not a morning person. So I can’t and won’t go out.” 

“It has always been this way.” 

“I made a mistake again. I always do! There’s no use in trying.” 

“I can’t be as good as them. They’re way better at dancing than me. What’s the point in signing up for a dance class?”

People with fixed mindsets have this internal dialogue. A fixed mindset believes that talents and skills are inherent and that success happens because of certain qualities that an individual already has.

A GROWTH mindset is the kind of mindset that BELIEVES THAT positive change is attainable through hard work and determination. You know deep within that you will see results when you invest through action, instead of telling yourself that you only act when you see results.

Here are some growth mindset statements: 

“I can get fitter, stronger, and better at dancing and speaking if I practice each day.”

“It may take some time before I see massive results but I will embrace the journey.” 

“My past doesn’t dictate my capabilities. I am a new person. I change for the best.”

“If I fail, that means I am learning. Each time I learn, I get better!” 

“There are no mistakes; only practice.”

How do I adopt a growth mindset?

While there are many steps to adopting a growth mindset, the first one you should take is mastering your internal dialogue. The words you tell yourself pretty much create your reality because your thoughts dictate your actions. When you speak kind and uplifting words to yourself, you view experiences as stepping stones to reaching your pro cheer goals.

Start to catch yourself the moment you use negative language - this can happen anytime without you really noticing. Pay more attention and stop this bad dialogue. Next, think about your good qualities and tell yourself a compliment. Doing this counteracts those negative thoughts.

Another technique is to stop setting yourself up for failure. Most of your behaviors are driven by your choices - you need to realize that. Whether you made the choice to skip five workouts in a row or miss the opportunity to sign-up for a prep class, you reap the results. I suggest that you take out a piece of paper and write down things you do that create poor results. Change those things starting today.

Are you living the pro cheer life? Be proud that you are a professional cheerleader at heart. 

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