How to Avoid Unwanted Weight Gain When You're Stuck Indoors

At some point during the pandemic, we’ve heard of complaints from our friends who have started to gain belly fat due to a disrupted active routine. Truthfully, this isn’t something to be ashamed of. Remember, beauty comes in various sizes.

However, as women living the pro cheer life, we mustn’t forget one important core value - fitness. And while we’re all still stuck quarantined at our homes it is essential to keep exercising and maintaining a proper diet. Here are effective weight management tips for quarantine. So when the pandemic ends, you’ll have a fit body to be proud of.

1. Manage your nutrition for each day

The best way to maintain weight is to be mindful of what you eat. Keep a high-fiber and high-protein diet plan while eliminating unhealthy fats and high-carbs. Not only that, always make sure your meals are packed with essential vitamins that keep your bodily functions in prime condition.

2. Carefully choose what to cook

To keep your calorie level table, prepare meals with nutrition that fuels your exercise. For example, whole wheat bread as breakfast for a morning workout session. Then stir-fry lean chicken as both lunch and a post-workout meal. A protein-packed meal will help you avoid an afternoon snack while keeping you full until dinner.

Related: 6 High-Protein Salad Recipes That Will Fill You Up

3. Avoid boredom by staying busy

When we’re bored, we eat under the illusion of hunger. Everyone can relate to this. To fight it, do some activities that will shift your attention from false starvation. Have a hobby to combat boredom or apply for a freelance job. You’re staying healthy while earning money at the same time.

4. Portion all your meals and snacks

One way to maintain weight is to eat with limits. Be sure to portion your meals and snacks enough that you’ll both be full while taking enough essential nutrients. Snacks can be detrimental to fitness, especially junk food. Make sure you eat a tiny pack of chips rather than an entire bag.

5. Understand the connection between stress and hunger

Stress causes the release of cortisol in the brain. The easy way to quell this hormonal spike is to eat sugary food. It’s okay to eat your comfort food. But like #4, relieve your stress by eating snacks in moderation. Better yet, go for alternatives like dark chocolate or keto-friendly cookies.

6. Stay on your meal schedule by drinking a lot of water

When it’s time to eat then eat. Don’t skip meals just because you don’t feel hungry. When you do feel hungry but it’s not eating time, drink a lot of water. Doing so will also increase the feeling of fullness following a meal which promotes weight loss.

7. Get proper sleep

Sleep early to avoid unnecessary late-night snacking. A proper late night’s rest also gives your body ample time to recover, making it function better and your workouts more efficient.

8. Be mindful of your stomach

Don’t force yourself to finish your meal portions when you feel full and don’t eat more than what you’ve portioned. Remember to drink water if you’re not yet satisfied. Keep leftovers for your next meal. Save money and stay in your recommended daily food intake.

9. Make smart decisions at the grocery

Grocery shopping is the most crucial part of avoiding weight gain. You must buy products that are fitness-friendly such as fruits, vegetables, eggs, and lean meat. As much as possible don’t go to the ice cream aisle or don’t think about what’s in the junk food section. If a visit is inevitable, grab five or seven cups of unsweetened plain greek-yogurt and be quickly on your way.

10. Keep your workout schedule on

Lastly, never ever forget to keep on exercising! Here are jump rope exercises you can do at home. Don’t forget to hone your dancing as well with these online classes.

Food discipline is your major driving force to maintain your weight during the quarantine. Always keep in mind to buy healthy goods, eat according to schedule, proportion your meals, and maintain regular exercise. Share this article with your friends to stay healthy together amidst this pandemic!

Need a Great Workout Routine for Your Pro Cheer Audition Prep?

Pro cheerleaders stay fit, flexible, and strong so they can give out their best performance in the arena. However, achieving that wow-worthy, toned physique doesn’t happen overnight. You need to arm yourself with the right daily workouts.

Thinking of becoming a pro cheerleader? 

We are offering you our fun, FREE (for a LIMITED time) POM FIT™ INTRO CLASS that teaches you beginner-friendly cardio moves.

To take your cheerleading fitness to the next level, we also have POM FIT™: GAMEDAY1™ - a series of challenging full-body cardio classes that include a body stretch class, kick stretch class, abdominal workout class, and more. 

Join a POM FIT™ class below: