How To Build Success Habits For The Pro Cheerleading Tryouts

Do you dream to be part of a professional NFL or NBA cheerleading squad? Are you preparing for the tryouts but struggle to be consistent in your efforts to be healthier, more fit and positive? 

Whatever our goals are, we face a lot of challenges that try to test our determination and faith in ourselves. If you're an aspiring professional cheerleader, some people you know might think you have a crazy dream. A lot of times you ignore your body by giving in to laziness and the wrong diet. Your inner voice tells you that you're too weak to be a cheerleader. All of these can stop you from going out of your comfort zone and accomplishing bigger things. 

Successful individuals have one thing in common: They have cultivated the right habits. Your current disposition is the result of your repeated actions yesterday. Come to think of it - Wouldn't it be awesome to break your bad habits for good and to finally feel that you won't always have to talk yourself out of making the wrong choices? 

Here's how to develop the right habits to help you succeed in the upcoming cheer auditions. 

1. Identify the habit you want to establish. 

Start with one habit and master it. There's no use developing multiple habits at once. Trying to build one success habit is hard enough. This explains why women who want to lose weight often fail. They have a long checklist. Wake up 5:30 every morning to jog. Eat more veggies. Reduce carb intake. Attend Zumba classes in the afternoon. Snack less. Drink X liters of water daily. The key is to focus on one behavior at a time and add another later on once the behavior becomes effortless. 

2. Identify triggers or situations that sabotage your goals. 

The trick to getting out of an unhealthy situation before it happens is to be more conscious about it. You have to be prepared for it. This is where you'll need to be more mindful, more aware of your decisions. For example, being hungry after work can make you automatically go to the nearest pizza parlor you see. It's not that you can't ever eat pizza. What I'm saying is that falling for the same situations that lead you to make the wrong choices can be a recipe for major failure. 

3. Seek for daily opportunities that will help you overcome your fear. 

One of the ways to be proud of yourself is to get past your fear of something. What is it that scares you the most in your journey to becoming a professional cheerleader? What is a limitation that hinders you from believing in yourself? What are you lacking as of this moment? After identifying your fear, face it by taking action. It can be overwhelming at first but the more you act in spite of your fear, the weaker your fear becomes. Stop believing in your fear. 

4. Keep a daily journal. 

Logging in the good things you've accomplished for yourself on a daily basis helps you see your progress. This will allow you to realize and appreciate how far you've come. The empty pages are where your future positive entries will be. Journaling reinforces good behaviors. It encourages you to think about the next best success habit you can build. Giving up would only seem foolish! You can track anything you want in your journal - your feelings before and after your workout, areas where you've improved at, and lessons you learn everyday. 

5. Think about the consequences of an action. 

Get rid of all the drama. Stop falling prey to the same mistakes and once and for all, start thinking about the outcomes of your decisions. Be logical. You cannot simply visualize being a professional cheerleader and hoping that it will soon manifest. Ask yourself if following a certain course of action will give you the results you want. Will it make you feel victorious later on or will it make you feel guilty? If there's something you need to change today, it's denying the connection between a behavior and a consequence. 

How Your Brain Forms A Habit

Establishing the right habits for your success in professional cheerleading takes time. It's all a process. Any action becomes easier the more you do it. Why? Your brain has the ability to change throughout your life. This amazing capacity of the human brain is known as neuroplasticity. As you repeat a behavior, again and again, the connections between your brain cells relevant to this behavior strengthen. They become reinforced until an action becomes automatic and effortless. 

You have every chance at success in professional cheerleading. Follow the strategies above so you can start forming the right habits today.

Can you picture yourself performing as a professional NFL or NBA cheerleader?

If you would love to join the upcoming cheer auditions but have no idea on how to get started, my book entitled “Professional Cheerleading Audition Secrets: How To Become an Arena Cheerleader for NFL®, NBA®, and Other Pro Cheer Teams” will guide you every step of the way.

I’ve decided to write this book to help you discover reliable tips and advice on adopting the right mindset, maintaining your image, staying fit and beautiful, and more - based on my 20+ years of experience in the cheerleading industry.

Grab your own copy of my book by clicking the text or image below:

Professional Cheerleading Audition Secrets: How To Become an Arena Cheerleader for NFL®, NBA®, and Other Pro Cheer Teams