How to Develop Maximum Confidence for the Auditions

Image credit: coltscheer

Confidence isn’t something that all of us are born with. It can be developed over time through practice. You might want to gain more confidence for an upcoming event or for personal development.

Either way, increasing one’s confidence is essential for pro cheerleader auditions. What are the ways to overcome your self-doubt so you can wear that proud smile on the audition day? Here are 9 useful strategies.

1. Prepare thoroughly

Workout, research your dream squad, hone your dancing, and do everything necessary to achieve what is needed for the big day. So when the time comes, you won’t feel anxious about being unprepared.

2. Remind yourself about your ambition daily

Ask yourself, “Why do I want to become a professional cheerleader?” Is it for the passion of being able to entertain the NFL or NBA crowd? Whatever your reasons are, think of them each day. Recognizing your ambitions boost your confidence while you do your best to achieve them!

3. Focus on the benefits of being a pro cheerleader

During your audition preparation, there are a lot of things you have to do. Among these include observing a proper diet and following strict workout routines. Ask yourself, “What benefits can I gain at the end of the day?” You become healthier, right? The healthier you become, the more confident you will feel to rock the audition day.

4. Transform yourself

Get pretty, get fit, be more empowered. Working on your transformation will boost your confidence.

5. Join a personal development online community

There are a lot of Facebook groups or online communities where the topic of self-confidence is the sole focus. If you seek an online group that can improve your public speaking skills, you have Toastmasters

You can also join other online groups that are about empowering women. Such communities will help you identify yours and other’s strengths and weaknesses through discussions and forums. 

6. Accept compliments and criticism like a sport

Of course, some people will approve of what you do. Others won’t like it and may even speak out their opinion on how you should be performing. If people provide a positive response, good. When the response is negative or neutral, view these responses as constructive criticism and use them as pointers to improve.

At the same time, engage in conversations with a lot of people. Socializing helps improve your public speaking skills, hence, better self-confidence.

7. Workout daily

Working out induces the release of endorphins in your brain. If you feel happy, confidence also becomes a default emotion.

8. Take pride in what you do

No matter what you do in preparation for the auditions, don’t ever doubt yourself. Remember that what you’re doing to achieve your goals makes you happy and proud. Be proud of being yourself.

9. Just enjoy your life and don’t stress out on the deadline

As the audition day approaches, a sense of pressure and anxiety will build up in you. Here's the key: Treat your daily life as a normal routine despite your audition preparation activities. Enjoy living your life to the fullest without regrets so when the audition comes, it’ll just be another day of fitness plus a little adventure.

Image credit: coltscheer

Whether you fail or succeed to get accepted on the auditions, take it as a part of life. Whatever your scores are, appreciate everything you’ve done. You gave your best and showcased the result of your preparations. What matters is you had no regrets and went in with full confidence that was expected of you.

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