How to Find a Workout Buddy to Help You Stay On Track

It is good to be self-motivating and disciplined when it comes to audition preparations. But we can’t do everything ourselves all the time. And as an aspiring pro cheerleader, there are days where you feel extra-lazy to the point of wasting a few hours of scheduled workouts.

With nobody to hold you accountable aside from yourself, who’s there to give the extra push on putting you back on the audition prep track? That would be a reliable workout partner. Someone who helps in reminding you of your exercise sessions. How do you find one? Read until the end.

1. Join an online community

Look for fellow pro cheer applicants online. One way to do this is to start a discussion in online forum platforms such as r/Cheerleading!, r/cheerleaders, or Quora. Befriend those who reply to your post and invite them to a FaceTime Fitness pact. Better yet, trade pro cheer audition secrets!

You can also join our PRO CHEER LIFE™ community. All you have to do is sign up for our newsletter and you’ll receive notifications regularly for new pro cheer articles.

2. Approach current or alumni pro cheerleaders

You probably know a retired or current pro cheerleader and she inspired you to join a pro cheer squad. Try to get in contact with her. If she’s still living an active lifestyle, invite her for a workout partnership. Ask for fitness tips and help with the virtual audition preparations.

3. Socialize at the local gym

Try to check in with your local gym to see if it’s opened already. If you go alone, now is a good time to find a fitness partner. Approach other women and ask about their fitness program. Find a connection to your workout routines. If there is a common ground, ask for a partnership in executing your sets. You might end up as best buds and hold each other accountable for your workout programs.

4. Reconnect with your long-distance best friend

Do you have a friend who used to work out with you all the time but moved away? It doesn’t matter if they live in a different time zone or zip code. Use your Facebook connection and invite them for a virtual workout session. Make up for the lost time by rebuilding the fitness and friendship you had before.

5. Use a social-fitness app

Zwift is an iOS-exclusive game that lets you participate in virtual cycling and running competitions. You can pit your performance against players worldwide through its massively multiplayer online network.

If you seek more of a social media network for workout and fitness, then download Strava now. In the app, you can connect with other users and get updated on their cycling and run data. Strava is available on both Android and iOS.

6. Transform coffee bonding with a workmate into a sweat session

Instead of meeting with a colleague for a round of drinks, why not meet-up for running, cycling, or a gym-session? Not only is it ideal for fitness, but you also foster better workplace relationships. The rush of endorphins makes you all happy and comfortable with each other - a nice vibe to bring back to your office.

7. Get a four-legged friend

It doesn’t necessarily need that your workout buddy should be human. You can have a furry exercise partner as well. However, it is important that you should choose a highly athletic dog breed to match your exercise’s energy demand.

8. Take an online fitness class

Directly approaching people online for a fitness partnership can be hard especially with introverted people. Instead, why not get to know them first? You can take an online fitness class. Talk to your instructor and see if there are other women in the class in search of a workout buddy. Particularly, ask for others who have similar fitness goals as you. Who knows? You might find a fellow aspiring pro cheerleader.

When choosing a workout buddy, look for someone with cheerful qualities. A positive motivator is one good workout buddy trait. Even someone who understands your goals and loves to support you will take you closer to achieving your pro cheer dream!

Need a Great Workout Routine for Your Pro Cheer Audition Prep?

Pro cheerleaders stay fit, flexible, and strong so they can give out their best performance in the arena. However, achieving that wow-worthy, toned physique doesn’t happen overnight. You need to arm yourself with the right daily workouts.

Thinking of becoming a pro cheerleader? 

We are offering you our fun, FREE (for a LIMITED time) POM FIT™ INTRO CLASS that teaches you beginner-friendly cardio moves.

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