How to Save Money to Achieve Your Pro Cheer Dreams (Part 1)
Life as a pro cheerleader or preparing to be one provides women like you with invaluable experiences. Yet, it can be costly because you’ll need a lot of training, tools, and products. That’s why to make your pro cheer experience as pleasant as possible, you need to save money so you can afford anything you need for pro cheerleading. Read on to find out what I’m talking about.
Why Save Up Money for Pro Cheerleading?
Some pro cheer squad auditions require you to pay. On top of that, you have the dance classes you need to attend, personal living costs, a lifestyle of beauty, fitness, and health to maintain whether you’re an aspiring or current pro cheerleader. That means you have to buy cosmetics, beauty care products, exercise equipment or gym memberships, workout apparel, and various healthy foods multiple times every year.
Yes, pro cheerleading is that costly and that list of things to spend on isn’t even complete. If you earn a lot of money from your main career or come from a well-off family, then good for you because you won’t have any problems funding your pursuit of the pro cheer life.
But if you experience some financial struggles from time to time but want to really pursue the pro cheer dream, then you’re gonna need to be efficient with your resources. Especially if your main job doesn’t pay much, you fend for yourself, or if you have some spending problems. Here are tips on how to save money:
1. Ask yourself, “How does this really add value to my life?” before buying your next OOTD or anything you see
Women’s fashion in the United States used to have 4 seasons. Those were spring, summer, fall, and winter fashion. Now it has 52 seasons. That’s like a new fashion trend every week! And to make it worse, the designer brands that set these trends sell expensive clothing.
You’re a pro cheerleader because a part of you loves glamour. Sometimes it’s your aim to buy the latest dress to stand out, well, it won’t last. Everyone else is too busy with their lives to put much care into your appearance. Unless you’re an influencer or in the company of bad friends.
You will feel good wearing your own style for a while. But in reality, you’re just filling an imaginary void. What makes you happy is pro cheerleading. You know that well so stick to it.
2. Cheat meals
Healthy food is expensive because human labor is mostly used to produce it. Processed food is cheaper because machines make them. While it’s best for you to eat healthily, it’s also good to sometimes eat high-calorie diets in the form of cheat meals.
Why? Because it jumpstarts your metabolism into thinking that it’s okay to burn more calories because your body is abundant. You can also save a few dollars every week in doing so.
3. Choose a makeup style and stick to it
If you wear different and complicated makeup styles every day, you’re going to need a lot of cosmetics in your arsenal. You already know that makeups are expensive and you’re not quite sure you’ll consume them before being expired.
If you have one beautiful makeup style that you’re confident of wearing every day, by all means, use that style.
4. Don’t wear makeup if you don’t have to
If your main job doesn’t require you to wear makeup, then don’t wear one. Go for a natural beauty instead. The best thing about not wearing makeup is that your skin gets less exposure from dangerous chemicals.
This is a two-part article. I want to help you succeed at the auditions or be an efficient pro cheerleader by doing more with less. So stay tuned for the second part. In the meantime, read the links provided above. They will help you a lot in your pro cheer journey.
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