Is It Bad to Eat Before Bed? How It Affects You

We all love food. And who doesn't? It tastes good, and it's everywhere. Great food makes us happier and more satisfied than when we're hungry.

Some people only eat twice a day when dieting, while others like to have snacks from time to time. Some even eat at night before bedtime. But is eating before going to bed a good idea? This article discusses the pros and cons of eating before bedtime.

Can You Eat Before Bed?

It depends. Sometimes eating before bedtime can be beneficial for those who get low blood sugar levels, but it can also be harmful since it promotes unhealthy snacking habits.

Energy Consumption

For most people, it's okay to eat light, healthy snacks before bedtime to have enough energy to function, even during sleep. However, consuming a large amount of food late at night can cause indigestion while sleeping since your metabolism is slower than during the day. Your body slows down to prepare for sleep, but when you eat highly processed and carb-rich food before bedtime, it's harder to digest the food. As a result, it will be more likely to store it as fat instead, resulting in weight gain.

Sleep Quality

One of the main issues of eating late at night is our food choices. We crave for high-fat, sweet, or savory meals like chips, pizza, or ice cream. These types of food have caffeine and sugar that boost your energy and keep you alert, even when it's time to sleep.

But you can also sleep better if you choose the right snacks. Look for sleep-inducing snacks that are high in tryptophan and melatonin. Read on to learn some foods that help promote sleep.

Foods to Snack on Before Bed

Several amino acids and nutrients work together to regulate your sleep. For example, tryptophan increases the serotonin levels in the body. But we can't produce tryptophan naturally, so we need to consume foods that contain this amino acid. This includes milk, nuts, fish, and beans.

Another chemical that promotes sleep is melatonin. This is a hormone that influences the body's sleep cycle. Melatonin can be found in dairy and cherry products. You can also look for food containing potassium and magnesium to promote muscle relaxation.

Here are other evening snacks to help you fall asleep:

  • Peanut butter on whole-grain bread
  • Chamomile tea
  • Almonds
  • Bananas
  • Yogurt
  • Avocadoes

What to Avoid Before Bed

As discussed in the sections above, food with high fat and sugar content can negatively affect your sleep quality and result in weight gain. So avoid them as much as possible. It will also help if you stop drinking stimulants like caffeine and alcohol during bedtime to ensure getting a good night's sleep.

Here are other snacks that you need to avoid:

  • Chocolate
  • Cakes
  • Green and black teas
  • Energy drinks
  • Fast food


The best option is to not eat anything before going to bed. Instead, indulge in a hearty dinner at least 3 hours before sleeping. But also note that you shouldn't let yourself get hungry since your body still needs energy, even when sleeping.

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