Little Positive Daily Reminders to Help You Stay Motivated to Reach Your Pro Cheer Goals

Negative thinking is the tallest and thickest wall that prevents you from achieving your audition goals. Sometimes, these walls are random and out of our control. For example, bad weather preventing you from an outside run. It’s discouraging and infuriating to skip a workout because of it.

There are also times when negativity is influenced by others in disapproval who love to talk behind your back. In other instances, negativity comes from the fear of getting rejected at the auditions.

Normally, I would say to surround yourself with people who are highly motivated. People who want to see you succeed and help you become a pro cheerleader. But what if you’re all alone? Here are simple daily thoughts to remind yourself and help you stay motivated from the moment you wake up until you’re going to bed.

1.  Stay true to who you are

You can’t please everyone. Sometimes the decision of going to be a pro cheerleader will earn the disapproval of others. What matters is you’re happy with the path you’re taking. What matters is you fight for what you feel is right for you.

2.  Don’t overthink

Never let your emotions take over your intellect. Are other candidates showing to be better than you? Don’t be mad and discouraged. Instead, analyze their secret, review their formula, and adjust their technique to whatever suits your use.

3.  Live without regrets

There will always be time to change and make things right. That missed workout sesh and bag of chips you just ate is just a little setback to be fit. What’s important is, you’ve learned from your mistake. The next time you’re tempted, you already know how to fight the temptation back.

4.  Take your time

Your audition goals are big and overwhelming, but to get there, you need to be patient and take small steps one at time. Take a deep breath and chill. Enjoy every step of your audition preparation journey. Don’t rush.

5.  Even diamonds start as coal

Not everyone is born successful. We no longer live in times of monarchy and fairytales. Destined to be queen since birth? No. To get there, you must work your butt off first. You’ll be under pressure and hardships. But, that experience will prep and season you to be a formidable pro cheerleader with an everlasting shine.

6.  You can’t control fate but you can control your reaction

Distractions will happen. They will try to broaden the wedge between you and your pro cheer dream. Will you lose hope? You shouldn’t. What you should do is, find another way to get around for the finish line. These distractions will submit defeat due to your tenacity.

7.  Fear is normal, but don’t let it paralyze you

The thought of getting rejected at the auditions is scary. All of your audition prep hard work amounting to nothing in the end is a true nightmare. And I’ve been there before. But you know what I always thought? I always said, “We’ll never know. What matters is I try and do my best”. Yeah, I never really knew until I became one of the San Diego Charger Girls.

8.  Prove your haters wrong

The world isn’t short of jealous people who think they’re better than you. At most times their actions can be infuriating to the point it throws us off our focus. But these naysayers are actually easy to deal with. All you have to do is cut your connection off from them. Ignore everything they say behind your back.

Once you’ve done the opposite of their expectations, they’ll flock to congratulate you. And there’s nothing you can do about it but just laugh.

9.  Bouncing back is the best form of success

A woman who doesn’t give up on her dreams is someone a lot of other women look up to for inspiration. Where’s the fun in winning all the time really? This is one of the reasons the singer Adele Adkins is much more celebrated than First Daughter Ivanka Trump.

For you, it’s better to experience audition challenges because you know the value of diligence and success while staying humble.

Motivation doesn’t purely come from one’s heart. Through the daily practice of patience, calmness, and playfulness, you can stay motivated no matter what hardship life throws at you.

Do You Picture Yourself As A Professional Cheerleader? Get Expert Advice From Someone Who's Been There.

If you dream of joining a dance team audition but have no idea on how to get started, my book entitled Professional Cheerleading Audition Secrets: How To Become an Arena Cheerleader for NFL®, NBA®, and Other Pro Cheer Teams will guide you every step of the way.

I wrote this book because I WOULD LOVE FOR YOU TO DISCOVER the best tips and advice on staying fit and beautiful, adopting the right mindset, maintaining your image, and more... so you can MAKE YOUR DREAM TEAM! 

My tips are based on my 20+ years of experience in the professional cheerleading industry.

Grab a copy of my book by clicking the text or image below:

Professional Cheerleading Audition Secrets: How To Become an Arena Cheerleader for NFL®, NBA®, and Other Pro Cheer Teams