Pro Cheer Health: 7 Reasons to Eat Real Food

Real foods are the type of foods that don’t undergo processing. A few examples would be fishes straight from lakes and oceans, veggies from fields, fruits from orchards, and meat you buy from farms. The more natural they are, the more nutrients you receive from eating them.

If you aren’t convinced to go for a hand of bananas and avoid a cup of Jerry’s, then you need to keep on reading.

1. They are packed with important nutrients

Because real foods never undergo any process, the nutrients in their base form are never stripped away. You can guarantee that with every real food you eat, you’ll get the exact amount of nourishment nature provides.

2. They are very low on sugar

Most processed foods have high refined sugar content to make them as tasty as possible. While that may be good for your senses, it’s your body that would suffer. Sugary foods increase your risk of developing diabetes and can cause a variety of skin problems.

3. They aren’t addictive

Since processed foods are tasty, it can be very hard in the long run to stop craving for them and say no when presented with them. It’s one of the most deadly addictions. Real foods, however, give you an adventurous palate. You get to enjoy the different delights of the world, especially fruits.

4. They are more satiating

Have you noticed that we don’t overeat when served with real foods? That’s because real foods contain healthy fats, protein, water, and other nutrients. Binging a bag of chips is easy. Try that with a bag of dried seaweed, you’ll surely feel full even when you only ate a saucer plate of serving.

It’s the foods you can eat plenty of that you should avoid. This is the #1 tip to avoid gaining unnecessary weight.

5. They stabilize and improve energy levels

Real foods keep your blood glucose levels and insulin production range at a healthy rate. This makes your body burn more fat for fuel instead of glucose. Fitness fact: Fat is a better energy source than glucose. It takes longer to digest but provides more calories than carbohydrates.

The result? Weight maintenance and loss are easier. You’ll also have more stamina, feel stronger, and be more enduring for intense physical activities.

6. They are heart-healthy

We read and heard that antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, potassium, fiber, monounsaturated fats, and folic acid keep your heart healthy. It’s true and they are commonly found in fresh green leafy vegetables, fatty fishes, and fruits.

On the other hand, processed foods cause high blood cholesterol resulting in deadly heart diseases such as stroke and cardiac arrests. They are no joke so think twice before you designate french fries or a big mac as your favorite snack.

However, they’re okay to be eaten as cheat meals.

7. They are good for the environment

I don’t intend to sound political. But we all and generations after can benefit from a healthy planet. The production of processed foods emits too many greenhouse gases. They also require the destruction of natural resources for building factories.

Not to mention the plastic packaging created that pollutes our surroundings. Real foods like vegetables, fruits, and other types of crops may need vacant land for agriculture. But they are plants that grow faster and produce more oxygen.

You also have meat from livestock that provide organic fertilizers. That’s why it’s very beneficial to support farmers by buying from their markets. The best part of it? Everything’s fresh!

I know that it’s hard to stray away from fake foods. They have been a part of our everyday living for a long time. But still, do your best to keep them as a once-a-week treat instead of a daily snack. You can start by buying only a few on your next trip to the grocery. Remember: Health is Wealth.

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