Pro Cheer Nutrition: Tips to Make Healthy Choices When Eating Out

Cooking meals at home is the best move to maintain optimal health and fitness, especially for pro cheerleading and dancing. But with a schedule that’s hectic — not to mention, social gatherings, you’re likely to turn to dining outside. These options can be tricky because restaurant foods may contain added calories, sugar, and unhealthy fats (such as processed vegetable oils).

The good news is that you can still enjoy a meal out while prioritizing your pro cheer health needs. Here are six tips to help you make better choices even when you can’t cook food at home.

1. Don’t drink your calories.

Regular soda, fruit juices, and smoothies contain lots of added sugars (for example, fructose) that could raise your blood glucose levels and cause you to crave more foods. When eating out, it’s best to stick to plain water or sparkling water. If you really want something sweet to drink, ask if the restaurant has zero-sugar flavored drinks.

2. Swap out a carbohydrate-heavy dish with steamed veggies.

Broccoli, cauliflower, bok choy, and tomatoes are low-carb options that could replace white rice and potatoes. Plus, these low-carb veggies are satisfying since they’re full of fiber, which also helps with digestion. Most restaurants are happy to accommodate this request, so don’t be afraid to ask.

Read more: How to Make Your Meals More Nutrient-Dense

3. Practice portion control.

Since you have no control over the ingredients used in your meal, a good alternative would be to control the amount of food you eat. For example, instead of eating the full plate, eat half (or a little over one-half) and take the rest of it home. If that dish was loaded with empty calories, at least you didn’t consume everything.

4. Research before you go.

Thankfully, most restaurants publish their menus online. Take advantage of this by checking what you can order ahead of time. For instance, if you’re following a high-protein diet, see which options are good protein sources. In this case, you would avoid pasta, cakes, and vegetarian salads — unless you’re on a cheat day.

5. Ask for sauce on the side.

Instead of having the sauce mixed with your food, ask the waiter to serve it on the side. That way, you can control the amount you’re going to use to flavor the meal. (Note: Restaurant sauces and condiments are high in sugar.)

6. Eat mindfully.

Mindful eating means eating when you’re hungry and stopping when you feel full. It will help to chew your food more slowly and avoid the temptation to wolf down your meal, especially when you’re in the company of others. Being mindful of your food can help you make better choices and avoid digestive problems like gas and bloating.

Read more: How to Practice Portion Control to Manage Your Weight and Health


Keep these tips in mind on your next visit to the restaurant. Eating healthily as a pro cheer athlete doesn’t have to be complicated. It’s always beneficial to plan in advance and consider how a dish can fit into your overall dietary plan. Furthermore, if you’re eating whole foods most of the time, an occasional cheat meal or restaurant food won’t hurt your goals.

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