Reasons You're Tired After a Workout (And Tips to Feel Great)
Working out is supposed to make you feel great. This is especially true if you workout in the morning. Your body releases cortisol, a hormone that makes you alert. Your ability to focus throughout the day increases as well.
But sometimes, we feel the opposite after that 45-minute sweat session. What could be the problem?
Here at Pro Cheer Life, we help aspiring pro cheerleaders get closer to their fitness goals. If there’s anything that hinders you from feeling and looking great, we’ll do our best to address that. Today, let’s talk about the possible reasons behind fatigue or sleepiness after exercising and tips to manage them.
The Common Causes of Tiredness After a Workout
1. You’ve pushed yourself too hard.
Exercise could work against you if you do it the wrong way. And one of the wrong ways to exercise is to go overboard! Many aspiring pro cheerleaders and women in general think that they need to feel super sore to burn more fat and build more muscle. Soreness doesn’t indicate progress. Pushing yourself too hard will hurt your joints.
2. You had a bad night’s sleep.
Had a rough night last night? That could explain why you’re struggling to stay alert in the middle of your workout. If it’s not a lack of sleep, it could be a stressful week. You might want to assess how you’ve been handling school, work, or even your personal relationships.
3. You didn’t fuel-up.
If you’re planning to engage in insanely hard workouts, don’t expect to end it feeling awesome if you didn’t fuel yourself. More demanding workouts require a healthy pre-workout snack. Have a toast with peanut butter, a protein smoothie, or classic hard-boiled eggs. Of course, you can have another kind of snack depending on the diet you follow.
Related: 10 Foods That Will Boost Your Workouts
4. You’re probably dehydrated.
Proper hydration is essential for physically active individuals. When you sweat, you lose water. Not replenishing your body fluids can make you feel lethargic. Your mood might even decrease. Don’t just drink water before exercising; take a few sips in the middle of your sweat session as well.
Tips to Reduce Tiredness and Help You Feel Energized
1. Always get a good night’s sleep.
Electronic devices emit large amounts of blue light which delays the release of melatonin, the hormone that regulates your sleep-wake cycle. Don’t use them before bed time. If you love coffee, avoid consuming caffeine late in the day. Learn to relax and clear your mind in the evening.
2. Listen to your body.
Pay attention to how you’re feeling during your workout. Are you still able to carry out a conversation? Does it hurt already? Take pauses. Inhale, exhale. Take time to warm up and cool down - don’t be in a hurry!
Read more: Beat Workout Fatigue with These 6 Tips
3. Take a nap if you must.
If you really feel tired and need to rest, then nap. Sleeping after a workout allows your body to heal. Napping will also give you extra energy if you still got a long day ahead of you.
4. Have a cup of green tea.
Green tea is a great post-workout drink as it can help your body relax. Green tea also contains antioxidants and catechins that promote recovery and reduce inflammation. Iced green tea is refreshing and it’s perfect for warm months.
In very rare cases, fatigue can be caused by a health condition you don’t know of. If you’re in doubt, talk to your doctor!
Need a Great Workout Routine for Your Pro Cheer Audition Prep?
Pro cheerleaders stay fit, flexible, and strong so they can give out their best performance in the arena. However, achieving that wow-worthy, toned physique doesn’t happen overnight. You need to arm yourself with the right daily workouts.
Thinking of becoming a pro cheerleader?
We are offering you our fun, FREE (for a LIMITED time) POM FIT™ INTRO CLASS that teaches you beginner-friendly cardio moves.
To take your cheerleading fitness to the next level, we also have POM FIT™: GAMEDAY1™ - a series of challenging full-body cardio classes that include a body stretch class, kick stretch class, abdominal workout class, and more.
Join a POM FIT™ class below: