Simple Ways to Boost Your Health as a Professional Cheerleader

Your life as a professional cheerleader may be filled with so many responsibilities and obligations, but that does not mean that you allow your health to take a backseat.

Your amazing body does so much for you and you need to return the favor by keeping your health in tip-top shape. A well-cared body makes you feel good and it makes you a better caregiver for others - your family, friends, and people at work.

There are a ton of small steps you can take that positively impact your overall health, and that’s what I’m sharing with you today. Keep reading. 

Practice deep breathing throughout the day.

The simple act of breathing deeply has enormous effects on your mind and body. When you deep breathly, increased levels of oxygen fill your body and this allows you to experience a greater sense of calmness and ease. Deep breathing also eases muscle tension.

Make a few food substitutions.

Honestly speaking, it can be quite difficult to eat healthily 100% of the time - and you don’t have to be all strict and make healthy eating more complicated than it should be! Here are a few food swaps you can make for a healthier self:

  • Bread made with almond flour instead of white flour
  • Cauliflower rice instead of white rice
  • Fresh fruit instead of processed fruit juice
  • Nuts for snacks instead of chips

Stretch regularly.

Stretching on a regular basis is a simple way to avoid back pain and injuries on and off the field. When you stretch, incorporate as many muscle groups as possible. A minimum of 10 minutes - that’s all you need.

Aim to get a good night’s sleep.

Poor sleep doesn’t only impact your waistline, but it’ll also decrease your athletic performance and life outside of professional cheerleading. Think about your focus and productivity at work and at school. Try to go to bed at the same time each night and wake up at the same time each morning.

Make healthy changes with your loved ones.

You can be implementing healthy practices in your life, but if people close to you are going the opposite direction, it can be an uphill battle. Why not involve your family? Invite them to do brisk walking with you. Plan or cook meals together.

Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate.

Drinking water throughout the day is the secret to more energy, clear and beautiful skin, fewer headaches, and better heart health. According to, people who perspire heavily will need to drink more water than someone who doesn’t. It’s best to limit or avoid drinks that contain caffeine as they cause your body to lose more fluids.


It’s never too late to elevate your health, and doing so doesn’t have to be complicated. While all of the tips I shared improve health, don’t forget to change your thought processes. Don’t dwell on the negative. Find the positivity in all your experiences as a professional cheerleader. 

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