Try These 10 Outdoor Activities To Get Your Heart Pumping

Just like home and gym workouts, outdoor activities such as climbing also provide fitness benefits. The thing I like about outdoor activities is that apart from their challenging nature, they’re also fun to do and are easily incorporated into your weekly routine especially if one becomes your new hobby. Let's explore some of these activities on the list below.

1. Cross-country skiing

If you live in the northern states, take advantage of the snow through cross-country skiing. This recreational activity doesn’t require you to use lifts so you’ll need to walk to summits. Plus higher altitudes have less oxygen levels which make your heart rate rise.

2. Mountain climbing

This is one of the most extreme forms of climbing. It increases your muscular endurance while giving you a thrill. It’s also a good activity for aspiring pro cheerleaders who want to conquer their inner fears because if you’re able to do mountain climbing, you’ll find your inner Lara Croft.

3. Rock climbing

If you find mountain climbing to be extreme, there is also a less risky approach. Rock climbing is an activity that requires you to scale rocks that are 30 feet off the ground. The only difference it has from mountain climbing is that it’s safer due to the use of harnesses, ropes, and foams.

4. Bouldering

The most watered-down version of climbing sports is bouldering. But despite it being simpler, there’s no harness and rope to catch you if you fall. Although, there’s a thick pad of foam. It’s still a good sport to train your decision making especially when it comes to movement.

5. Slacklining

Slacklining is inspired by tightrope walking. It’s much harder than its inspiration because the flat nylon webbing is wobbly to stand on. All in all, this activity is a good way to train your balance for dancing and performing pro cheer stunts.

6. Mountain biking

Biking around your local area is good. But this time, we suggest mountain biking. Cycling up the slopes of rugged terrain is a good physical challenge for you. The best reward for this activity? You’ll get to enjoy the view at the top which could benefit your mental and emotional health.

7. Golf

They say golf is only a gentleman’s sport. I beg to differ. It’s also a good exercise for women if we decide not to use a golf cart. The swinging of clubs trains your upper body muscles to move with precision - a needed benefit when it comes to dance routines that use pom-poms.

8. Tennis

A sport that uses both mind and body. To score, you need to be fast and strong for receiving and returning the ball to the opponent. You’ll also need your brain to pick the best blind spot your rival cannot hit the ball with. The rules are simple and it can be played in doubles for fun.

9. Frisbee

This is another activity that doesn’t require too many intricacies. The rules are simple: Throw the disc to your playmate and catch their return throw. It doesn’t matter if both of your aims are a little off-course. It’s even better if there are misses because it forces you to run or walk short distances.

10. Trampolining

In pro cheerleading, there’s a good chance that your squad will include tumbles and flips as part of the dance routines. It’s a good way to practice your aerial movement by jumping on a trampoline. Aside from that, you’ll learn various techniques on how to be accurate on your landing after a high hump.

Any activity can get your heart pumping as long as it requires more effort to be done. What matters is that you should make a schedule to do these outdoor recreations. When you have free time, don’t spend it sitting on the couch and procrastinating. Get out and look for ways to move more.

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