What is Cross-Training and How Can You Benefit from It?

When you get into fitness for the first time, it’s amazing to see big changes in your physical appearance. Not just that – your strength, endurance, and speed improve. But after weeks and months of doing the same thing, you notice that it becomes easier. Your body gets used to it.

The capacity of the human body to adapt is both a blessing and a curse. From an exercise perspective, you hit a plateau. This means that you’re less likely to see the results you used to achieve.

If you’re preparing for the professional cheerleading auditions or maintaining your pro cheer body, there’s a way to battle exercise plateau. Cross-training is the answer. Cross-training takes your fitness to the next level so you don’t stop seeing fitness results.

Cross-Training: What Is This Exercise Regimen?

Giving you a break from your usual workouts, cross-training is a method by which you try other kinds of movements. It targets the whole body as it engages different muscle groups. What’s more, cross-training keeps things interesting and exciting. For athletes, it involves anything that’s not within your primary sport.

Some great cross-training options include:

  • Swimming
  • Cross-country skiing
  • Yoga
  • Kayaking
  • Core strength training
  • Elliptical
  • Cycling
  • Plyometric training

Please take note that you don’t have to try all these activities; just choose one and do it once to thrice a week. Find a cross-training exercise that works for you. Experts recommend that you stick to a cross-training activity for a while so you can monitor your progress. Most importantly, don’t let cross-training replace your workouts. Let it complement them instead!

Benefits of Cross Training for Professional Cheerleaders

Let’s get clear on the advantages of cross-training for your professional cheerleading career.

Rehabilitates overused or injured muscles.

In training for the professional cheerleading auditions, a muscle group can be overworked. Doing too much of the same exercise is detrimental not just to your physique, but to your safety as well. If you get injured or stressed, you know you should get back to your training as soon as possible. Cross-training workouts give your tired muscles recovery time. They also serve as low-impact alternatives that get you the same benefits your high-impact workouts provide. For example, the elliptical machine can replace your daily jog because it puts less stress on your joints.

Improves your strength.

Becoming a stronger version of yourself makes you a well-rounded athlete. Yes, professional cheerleaders are athletes and that is why you see toned and muscled women on the field. If you’re doing the usual gym sessions, plyometric exercises boost your muscular power. Instead of lifting weights, you’ll be doing push-ups, frog squat jumps, and burpees. These movements translate into powerful performances on game days.

Gives you a boost in your motivation.

A change in your usual routine can be as good as taking a break or vacation. You come back with a renewed energy. Not only does sticking to one fitness program bad for your goals, it’s also a cause for demotivation. No matter how much you love what you do, it can get pretty boring over time. Go out and cycle or swim at the beach. Add intensity so it becomes impactful. Remember that anything that brings you back to your momentum is worth doing.

Develops your dynamic flexibility.

If you have no idea what dynamic flexibility is, it’s your capacity to be flexible while you move about. Dynamic flexibility is extremely important for professional cheerleaders. You perform high kicks and splits while maintaining speed. Not being able to perform those can keep you off the team! Cross-training gets you started on improving your dynamic flexibility in a safe way. The benefits of dynamic flexibility are many. It reduces the likelihood of injuries and prevents stiff muscles and joints.

Final Thoughts

Did this article on cross-training give you a good reason to try it out? Whether you want to keep things exciting in your training, want to avoid muscle loss, or speed up your weight loss, cross-training is a great step to meeting your professional cheerleading goals.

Cheerleading is a lifestyle - A lifestyle dedicated to fitness.

Cheerleaders are renowned for staying fit and strong so they can give out their best performance in the arena.

However, achieving that wow-worthy, toned physique doesn’t happen overnight. You need to arm yourself with the right daily workouts.

With that, we are offering you our fun, FREE (for a LIMITED time) POM FIT™ INTRO CLASS that ensures powerful cardio moves you can keep up with.

To take your cheerleading fitness to the next level, we have POM FIT™: GAMEDAY1™ - a series of classes for a full body cardio workout. All for one low enrollment fee.

Join a POM FIT™ class below: 


POM FIT™: GAMEDAY1™ ($27.00 USD)