5 Simple Rules to Follow for Clear Skin

NFL, NBA, and the rest of the dance teams may not say it, but a candidate with clear skin is what they’re searching for. It makes perfect sense - a flawless visage is attractive. It makes pro cheerleaders look great in their uniform and reflects the high beauty standards of the team itself.

If you want a clear complexion, here are some rules that you should know.

Rule #1: Drink lots and lots of water.

Water is life. It’s an essential food for clear skin because it flushes away toxins from your body. Remember that you lose water daily through perspiration, breathing, and bowel movements. Be sure to replenish water by consuming 2.2 liters per day = 9-10 cups.

Rule #2: Always wash your face after a workout.

Skimping on cleansing means that toxins and sebum accumulate on the surface of your skin. After a sweaty workout, you need to wash them away - or else they promote bacterial growth. If there’s no running water in your location, bring facial wipes. But wash your face as soon as you get access to a sink.

Rule #3: Eat for your skin.

Yes, bad food choices (junk food) and dull, acne-prone skin are linked. Consuming natural, vitamin-rich foods (vitamins A, C, and E) support collagen production, balances your skin’s natural oils, and promotes tissue repair.

Read More: 5 Ways Diet Affects Your Physical Appearance

Rule #4: Exfoliate your skin.

Why exfoliate your skin and how often should you do it? Exfoliation assists in removing dead skin cells, breathing new life into your complexion. Exfoliate no more than 3 times a week to avoid a rebound effect. You don’t want to lose your skin’s natural oils and get an inflamed skin.

Rule #5: Apply broad-spectrum sunscreen.

True, you need the sun for your daily dose of vitamin D for skin cell growth. However, too much of the sun can result in aged, wrinkled skin. When it comes to achieving an even skin tone, sunscreen prevents pigmentation. Choose a sunscreen product that offers broad-spectrum protection. This shields your skin against UVA and UVB rays.


What clear skin rules do you currently practice? Every aspiring pro cheer candidates wants clear skin - and I’m sure you do. Again, load up on water, keep a clean face, eat the right foods, exfoliate, and apply sunscreen.