6 Common Breakfast Mistakes You Should Avoid

It doesn't matter if you're a current or aspiring pro cheerleader. Your health matters and with that, you need to make sure that your body gets the love it needs. On that note, we're going to talk about breakfast a.k.a. "the most important meal of the day."

While everyone eats their breakfast, there are still those who make bad breakfast decisions. What are these breakfast mistakes you should know about so you can avoid them? Keep reading to find out.

6 Common Breakfast Mistakes You Should Avoid

1. You load up on sugar.

The worst possible food you could choose for your first meal is one that's loaded with refined carbs. Sure, a chocolate chip muffin or fruit-flavored breakfast cereal seems harmless. But these foods have no nutritional value. Because they spike your insulin and blood glucose levels, you're bound to feel hungry again before lunch time.

2. You don't hydrate with water.

Are you reaching for coffee the moment you wake up? Don't. You may not feel thirsty at all, but your body needs WATER. You need to rehydrate your cells since you've had 6-8 hours of nightly sleep without consuming water. A glass of water also fires up your metabolism!

3. You grab and go.

I understand that you may lead a busy life. If you have incredibly busy mornings, consider preparing a healthy breakfast the night before or waking up 30 minutes earlier. Grabbing something convenient and heading out the door won't make you satisfied since you're not paying attention to what you eat.

4. You don't eat enough protein and healthy fat.

Protein and fat are satiating macronutrients. Loading up on them for breakfast (instead of carbohydrates) will help you feel fuller for longer. A protein-packed breakfast supports your weight loss and muscle building goals. Meanwhile, healthy fats like avocados, eggs, and fatty fish lowers your risk of heart disease. They're also excellent foods for great-looking skin!

5. You choose non-fat yogurt.

That low-fat or non-fat yogurt is unhealthy. Why? Anything that's low in fat is likely to contain tons of sugar to enhance its flavor. Eating non-fat yogurt is similar to eating any sugary dessert you know of. Healthy fat is integral to your diet. What you should be more scared of is sugar. Sugar increases inflammation and promotes weight gain.

6. You drink coffee on an empty stomach.

While coffee is a daily essential to most people, drinking it without eating anything first can result in too much stomach acid. This is especially true among people who have sensitive stomachs. You're likely to experience heartburn. You don't have to omit coffee. Just make sure you eat something!

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