7 Good Habits That Make You a Successful Dancer

Not everyone can succeed in the dance profession. Not everyone who auditions for a pro cheer squad gets to represent their NBA or NFL team for a year. But it’s not because most aspiring dancers lack talent. Oftentimes, it's because there are many auditionees and only a few spots to fill.

The good news is that with hard work, one can acquire the skills that judges look for during auditions. In addition, developing the right habits will allow dancers to stand out from the rest of their peers and boost their chances of making the team.

If you’re interested, this list will show which of those habits you need to develop so you can be a great dancer during audition prep, life in the squad, and beyond.

1. Identifying weaknesses and improving them

Every dancer has areas of the art they aren’t so good at. Those who have the potential to succeed actively recognize these weaknesses and do something to improve upon them.

2. Accepting the fact that life is less structured

Great dancers know that anything can happen and mess up their schedules. A planned practice session may be interrupted by an emergency from home or work. Make a habit of managing your time effectively, especially when you’re paying for expensive dance classes.

3. Maintaining consistency

Professional dancers have achieved their level of expertise due to practicing regularly. They strive to train at least five times every week. Sometimes these practice sessions involve polishing moves for upcoming performances. At other times, they learn advanced and difficult dance techniques.

4. Being a visionary

Determination is one key element if you want to be among top performers. And one way to be determined as a dancer is by dreaming of something better such as having a positive impact on others instead of seeking extrinsic rewards.

5. Living in the present with routines that foster gratitude

Mistakes happen so that we can learn from them. Successful dancers understand this idea well. They don’t allow setbacks to turn into negative thoughts. Instead, successful dancers remain grateful for everything they have and keep on moving forward closer to their goals and dreams.

6. Exercising diligence

Dancing may be a physical activity but theoretical learning is a core component of the art. Average-performing dancers mostly don’t take time to expand their knowledge. However, successful dancers schedule a part of their day to read proven techniques and stay updated on the new trends in dancing.

7. Staying focused

The last habit you should develop to be a successful dancer is maintaining focus on your visions, goals, and dreams no matter what happens. So what if you get rejected on your first audition? You can always try out for a different team or take an entire year to improve yourself further. Because if you stay focused, you’ll eventually get to where you want to, no matter how hard or long the journey will be.

Now that you know which habits you should follow to be a successful dancer/pro cheerleader, remember them each day. This information will turn into memories and will influence your actions. Once these actions are performed on a daily basis, they will transform into habits.

Get more ideas to mold yourself into becoming a successful dancer here!

Do You Picture Yourself As A Professional Cheerleader? Get Expert Advice From Someone Who's Been There.

If you dream of joining a dance team audition but have no idea on how to get started, my book entitled Professional Cheerleading Audition Secrets: How To Become an Arena Cheerleader for NFL®, NBA®, and Other Pro Cheer Teams will guide you every step of the way.

I wrote this book because I WOULD LOVE FOR YOU TO DISCOVER the best tips and advice on staying fit and beautiful, adopting the right mindset, maintaining your image, and more... so you can MAKE YOUR DREAM TEAM! 

My tips are based on my 20+ years of experience in the professional cheerleading industry.

Grab a copy of my book by clicking the text or image below:

Professional Cheerleading Audition Secrets: How To Become an Arena Cheerleader for NFL®, NBA®, and Other Pro Cheer Teams