7 People Skills You Need for Your Pro Cheer Career
It’s no secret that professional cheerleading is a job that involves interacting with others. This includes sports fans and members of your pro cheer team. While being a pro cheerleader isn’t a full-time career, it’s still important to have the skills necessary to communicate and work hand-in-hand with others.
By having people skills, you can maintain good relationships, contribute to a more positive working environment, and help resolve conflicts when they arise. Here are 7 skills you’ll need.
Open-mindedness is being receptive to new ideas and information. When you’re open-minded, it means that you’re tolerant and willing to consider other perspectives or experiences that you may not have been used to. As a pro cheerleader, you’re likely to learn new things (such as dance techniques) and be compelled to go beyond your comfort zone.
Active listening
Listening isn’t just a people skill for pro cheerleading, but it’s also essential for other areas of your life. We listen actively in order to not just obtain important information, but also to understand something at a deeper level and experience enjoyment.
Strong communication
One of the qualities judges want in pro cheerleader candidates is the ability to communicate well with others. Active listening is one way to improve your communication, including strategies like having open body language, thinking before you speak or respond, and exuding a positive attitude.
Respecting the boundaries of others
Personal boundaries are the limits that people establish to protect themselves physically, mentally, and emotionally. To be respectful of your teammate’s boundaries (and other people you interact with in your career), keep in mind that not everyone thinks and behaves the same way you do. It also helps to pay attention to cues and body language — for example, if someone folds their arms while having a conversation with you.
Patience is your ability to wait calmly for something. It’s a strong “people skill” to have, especially when you’re working closely with people from different backgrounds and walks of life. Plus, patience allows you to develop self-control and humility when faced with difficult situations.
Good manners
Having good manners can make you an enjoyable person to be with. Good workplace manners include but are not limited to arriving on time (which is so important during the auditions and dance team practices), saying please and thank you, apologizing when you make mistakes, not complaining, and dressing appropriately.
Anyone can feel anxious in social situations. It’s normal. However, keep in mind that confidence is extremely valuable in the world of dancing and professional cheerleading. If you need help in this area, you can start by reminding yourself of your strengths and accomplishments (whether big or small). Next, spend more time with people who can positively influence your thoughts.
Final Thoughts
These seven people skills enable you to interact well with others in your pro cheer or dance team! Remember: Interpersonal intelligence is just as valuable as other types of intelligence — like bodily-kinesthetic intelligence and musical intelligence. Start working on them to be the best squad member you can be.
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