8 Reasons You're Not Losing Fat (And How to Fix Them)

Women progress differently in fitness. You and a friend from the pro cheer community may be eating the same meals and snacks daily, follow the same sleeping schedule, and use the same workout regimen. Yet the other would either lose more or less weight when the weigh-in comes.

That’s because of genetics, environmental factors, and individual metabolism. Some women burn more fat with minimal exercise while others have body types that prioritize fat burn in some areas over others. But that doesn’t mean you can never get the fitness result you desire as a result of your hard work

Ultimately, you need to make the right choices that would yield the best results. And to start making them, you need to do an honest evaluation of yourself first to identify the reasons you’re not losing fat.

1. Lack of sleep

Not only does staying up late make you feel hungry, but it also makes you tired the next day. And this is where stress happens as well as the skipping of healthy meal preparation and morning workouts. Follow a healthy sleeping schedule by avoiding stimulants and turning your devices off an hour before bed.

2. Stress

Stress leads to stress eating and you don’t want that. The problem with stress eating is that it makes you more prone to choosing comfort foods that are high in bad fats and sugar. This will then lead you to consume more calories than you’ve burned during your workout sessions. Lower your stress by avoiding factors that cause it.

3. Too much cardio

Cardio is good. But having too much of a good thing can be bad for you. It’s because cardio trains your body to be efficient. Meaning it burns fewer calories for demanding workouts in the long run. Instead of running daily or using cardio machines most of the time, only do cardio when you feel you’re getting slow or your stamina is low.

4. Stagnant metabolism

As mentioned, too much is bad. If you strictly follow your healthy diet like absolute abstinence from fatty, sweet, or processed foods, your metabolism will eventually slow down or get stuck at a plateau. It’s important to have cheat meals twice a week to jumpstart your metabolism. When it comes to cheat meals, don’t overindulge as well.

5. You’re eating the wrong foods

The truth about diets is that the effectiveness of the programs varies from one person to another. A vegan diet might work well for woman A while a meat-based diet would be best for woman B. My point is that if one diet program doesn’t work for you, try something else.

Here’s another important point: Processed foods aren’t 100% healthy. There will always be trade-offs. A canned corned beef may give you all the protein you need but it won’t be free from sugar. So it’s best to always read labels before buying and eating.

6. Strength and core training isn’t enough

All workouts burn fat. But unlike cardio, strength and core training actually burns more fat and is better at building lean muscles. The best part of these workout types is that the more muscle you build, the greater calorie and fat burn even when you’re at rest. This makes the management of your body shape and weight easier.

7. Alcohol

The world’s favorite poison is calorie-dense. It’s even denser in beverages with higher alcohol proof. So the next time you’re planning to get smashed at the bar with glasses of margaritas, think about the centimeters of fat your belly gains in one night. Drinking has health benefits if you do it moderately. Keep your body fit by being content with a single shot.

8. No weekend activities

Weekends are for relaxation. It’s also the time of the week when you’re vulnerable to fat gain. Imagine yourself sitting somewhere and dozing off after eating your cheat meals. Without burning the calories from your recently-eaten comfort food, those calories will turn into fat. So always have outdoor and weekend activities to do after cheat meals planned in mind.

Important tip: If you start to experience a fat loss plateau, make your workouts more challenging by increasing the reps and sets or run longer and faster. It’s also good to reduce the calories you eat. When you’ve reached the pro cheerleader’s physique you desire, stick to your current fitness plan to maintain your weight and figure.

Need a Great Workout Routine for Your Pro Cheer Audition Prep?

Pro cheerleaders stay fit, flexible, and strong so they can give out their best performance in the arena. However, achieving that wow-worthy, toned physique doesn’t happen overnight. You need to arm yourself with the right daily workouts.

Thinking of becoming a pro cheerleader? 

We are offering you our fun, FREE (for a LIMITED time) POM FIT™ INTRO CLASS that teaches you beginner-friendly cardio moves.

To take your cheerleading fitness to the next level, we also have POM FIT™: GAMEDAY1™ - a series of challenging full-body cardio classes that include a body stretch class, kick stretch class, abdominal workout class, and more. 

Join a POM FIT™ class below: