8 Ways to Amp Up Your Workout Plan

A workout plateau is a sign that your exercises have adjusted your body into living a life of fitness. But once you hit your workout plateau and you keep on following your old workout program, two things happen - exercising becomes boring and you start to gain fat.

That sounds scary especially for those living the pro cheer life because most of you exercise every day. However, there is one way to avoid that - keep pushing your limits every time you reach workout efficiency. These are the tips that you should follow.

1. Add more sets until you can’t take it

Instead of following your workout plan with an established number of sets and reps, add more sets until you’re tired and can't maintain proper form for the exercises anymore. Being efficient at a single exercise will no longer tone or strengthen your muscles. The only way to keep improving your body is to challenge yourself more.

2. Exercise in circuits while targeting more than two muscle groups

Most gym-goers follow the traditional workout plan. They target a muscle group, do 3-5 isolated exercises for those muscles, and finish 3-4 sets with 1-2 minutes of break. You can still build muscle this way. However, you’re forgetting two important aspects of maximum fitness - muscular and aerobic endurance development.

To achieve these levels of optimal health, you need to do 5-10 isolated exercises for different muscle groups without break. Only take breaks if you have consecutively done all the sets and reps intended for the 5-10 exercises. Then, do another circuit again.

3. Add more difficulty to your workouts by combining it with a related exercise

A single exercise targeting a specific muscle group can easily be performed with efficiency in a short time. Squats are primary examples. Don’t let it be this way. Make it difficult to perform by targeting another separate muscle group.

Do a pulling motion like rowing as you stand up from a squat. You can also perform a squat - pushup - burpee for higher levels of cardio challenge.

4. Swap out or combine pieces of equipment for each workout

Bench presses often require dumbbells or barbells to build one muscle group - chest muscles. By substituting or combining weights with resistance bands, you’ll exert force against a counterforce that didn’t exist while using dumbbells and barbells.

This will then require you to press even harder. You’ll need to engage your core, back muscles, and chest muscles which then results in more toning and muscle building on these three muscle groups.

5. Shorten your time for exercising

Your time at the gym or work out sessions usually last from an hour to an hour and a half. This is because you tend to rest more, walk around, pose in front of the mirror, or chit-chat with others.

Do your best to finish your exercises as soon as possible. By rushing to finish your time in working out, you’re keeping your entire fitness experience intense and interesting. However, don’t forget to perform all your exercises in proper form to achieve maximum fitness effects and avoid accidents or injuries.

6. Keep on moving during breaks

If you really can’t avoid dilly-dallying during your workout session, at least keep on moving as you transition to your next workout set. Do a 2-minute brisk walking on the treadmill or cycle at medium-speed on the stationary bike.

7. Engage all muscles

Some exercises usually tell you to engage a muscle group when doing them. For example, glute workouts will require you to engage your glutes when doing step-ups. Instead of tightening a particular muscle group alone, engage your entire body.

8. Go for real outdoor activities instead of being at the gym

Nothing can be more challenging than running uphill, cycling across the city, or rowing an actual kayak. Gym equipment may let you mimic these activities but once you get tired, you can just get off and rest.

Whereas with actual outdoor activities, you have no choice but to finish the course and push yourself harder even when you’re tired so that you can go home.

Pushing yourself harder every workout session will lead to muscle sores. But that also means better muscle growth and toning. Be sure to follow these tips for fast recovery. And do other active recovery day activities so you’ll never miss a day for staying fit.

Need a Great Workout Routine for Your Pro Cheer Audition Prep?

Pro cheerleaders stay fit, flexible, and strong so they can give out their best performance in the arena. However, achieving that wow-worthy, toned physique doesn’t happen overnight. You need to arm yourself with the right daily workouts.

Thinking of becoming a pro cheerleader? 

We are offering you our fun, FREE (for a LIMITED time) POM FIT™ INTRO CLASS that teaches you beginner-friendly cardio moves.

To take your cheerleading fitness to the next level, we also have POM FIT™: GAMEDAY1™ - a series of challenging full-body cardio classes that include a body stretch class, kick stretch class, abdominal workout class, and more. 

Join a POM FIT™ class below: