9 Habits That Boost Your Immunity

A day spent recovering from sickness is a day wasted forever. That’s why health is wealth. By boosting your immune system, you have more days throughout your entire lifetime for adventures, to experience happiness, learn new things, and chase your pro cheer goals.

Take good care of your body and stay away from illnesses and diseases by following these nine habits.

1. Getting daily and enough sunlight

Vitamin D can help facilitate normal immune system function. In Japan, a random trial was made on 340 school children during the flu season. Half of the kids were given 1,200 IU of vitamin D supplements and the remaining half received placebo pills.

The ones who received supplements showed a 40% lower flu rate than the other half.

2. Taking zinc supplements

Zinc supplements may boost immune system function. It is a mineral that helps in the production and proper functioning of infection-fighting white blood cells like macrophages, lymphocytes (b- and T-cells), and neutrophils.

3. Getting enough sleep every night

Try to recall the last time you pulled an all-nighter. You caught a cold right? That’s not a mere coincidence. This theory was tested by sleep researchers at the University of California - San Francisco, Carnegie Mellon University, and the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center.

It was found that the 164 people who slept less than 5 hours had four and a half more chances of getting a cold than those who got 7 and more hours of sleep. 7 to 9 hours of sleep are the best for you.

4. Not smoking

Cigarette smoking affecting your health negatively is common sense. What we don’t commonly understand is how destructive it is. Such as addiction tears your sensitive lung tissues apart increasing the risk of contracting pneumonia and bronchitis. The chemicals found in cigarettes also kill antibodies and reduce its production.

5. Drinking in moderation

Just like smoking, excessive alcohol consumption is also a dangerous vice that loves to kill immune system cells. It’s okay to drink a bottle or two, but don’t let your drinking experience be like a typical Oktoberfest night.

6. Minimizing stress

Stress triggers bodily inflammations and I don’t mean muscle or physical stress. Mental stress is unhealthy too. When your body is inflamed, your immune system weakens. You may not avoid stress totally but do your best to minimize it.

You can start by thinking positively more often, staying away from toxic people, and solving your problems first instead of moping around about it.

7. Dial down inflammation

Other causes of inflammation come from our daily diet. Eating high carb foods, unhealthy fats, and processed meat promotes the creation of pro-inflammatory immune system cells called macrophages.

These nasty cells in return go to your bloodstreams and increase your risk of contracting coronary heart disease and many more health problems. Choose to buy lean meat, fresh fish, fruit, and veggies. Say no to highly commercialized, refined, and processed foods.

8. Drink a lot of water every day

Proper hydration is essential for immune system function because it flushes toxins out and increases metabolism. Add electrolytes, broth, lemon, and tea for antioxidants and you increase your defense against illnesses.

9. Washing your hands often

We touch a lot of surfaces outside our homes. It is highly unavoidable and so is touching our faces right after. Most of the time we do it subconsciously. So to prepare yourself against getting sick from touching a surface somebody sick sneezed on or touched, always wash your hands with soap.

If the place you’re going to doesn’t have any tools for washing your hands, at least carry a small bottle of hand sanitizer in your bag.

Eat more natural foods. We humans have survived for millions of years without the need for too much food processing. Stay away from addictive vices - there’s no need for that. If you want to relax, do yoga instead and get more hours of sleep.

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