9 Simple Morning Habits for Weight Loss

We, humans, are diurnal beings. That means that our bodies are designed by nature to function at its best during the day. Based on a study by Chronobiology International, early rising people tend to be slimmer than those who wake up later in the morning.

In addition to that, another study found that exposure to early morning sunlight is linked to having a low body mass index (BMI). It means that in order to shed pounds and achieve a pro cheerleader’s physique, you must greet the rising sun.

But waking up early in the morning isn’t just enough - you have to accompany it with good habits to achieve the best results. Find out what these morning habits are below.

1. Open all the blinds and shades

Letting the sun inside your home will give you a mild dose of vitamin D. It also prevents you from going back to bed.

2. Drink a lot of water

It’s standard procedure to take a leak first thing in the morning to flush out toxins gathered during the night. But this leaves your body dehydrated. To rehydrate, drink 3 glasses of water first, not coffee. This will boost your metabolism and jumpstart your body for the day.

Check this article for tips to stay hydrated daily.

3. Follow it up with a light to medium workout outside

Once your body is ready and your metabolism level is up, do some stretchings to warm up and take a good run or brisk walk outside. 5 laps around the block are good. When you’re done, do some meditation or yoga. If you’re not feeling hungry or tired yet, slip in some light strength training.

4. Eat a protein-rich breakfast

Your body will need fuel once your glycogen stores are depleted from exercising. But remember not to eat carb-rich foods because that energy supply won’t last long. Cook yourself a breakfast meal with the right balance of protein, carbs, and healthy fats. This will ensure you won’t get hungry or tired easily as the day goes on.

5. Take supplements

Vitamins especially the “B” variety help in suppressing appetite. Although it is advisable to take B-complex supplements to avoid hunger and cravings, including ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) in your daily intake also adds a level of an immunity boost.

6. Do your chores

The most important thing to follow in losing weight is to keep on moving. If the kids aren’t up, or work and classes don’t start anytime soon, use that free time to do the dishes, water the plants, and buy groceries.

7. Pack your lunch

Bringing your own lunch to wherever you’re set to go during the day will make you avoid buying food that you’ll come across. Important tip: Make your packed lunch a protein-rich meal as well.

8. Bathe in cold water

A lot of us hate cold showers in the morning. What we don’t know is that a cold bath boosts our metabolism, fires up mental focus through a freezing shock, and burns calories just to keep our body warm.

9. Switch up your daily commute

If your workplace is near your home, walk or bike to go there. Don’t use your car. It might be convenient to save energy but it’s bad for your waistline. The same goes when you’re out to buy your groceries. If it’s really that far, I highly suggest getting off a stop or two and walking to where you’re going.

Having a proper night time rest helps in making you become an early bird. So follow a strict sleeping schedule by going to bed early. Hit the sack at 9 to 10 pm to get 8 hours of rest and wake up 5 or 6 am the next day. Put your phone away from your bed and turn the TV off.

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