A Beginner’s Guide to Bodyweight Training

Bodyweight training is one of the best workouts you can do to achieve a fitter body. Whether you’re preparing yourself for professional cheerleader auditions or still considering the idea, let me tell you that there is tremendous progress in bodyweight exercises.

3 Reasons to Do Bodyweight Exercises Today

If you’re like most women, you’d think that bodyweight workouts aren’t effective. In magazines, you see fitness models using equipment. This doesn’t paint the entire picture to be honest because to get in the best shape possible, you need variety

So why consider bodyweight training?

1. No budget for gym memberships? No problem.

First of all, bodyweight training makes an appealing choice for anyone who wants to start a good workout but can’t shell out hundreds in months for a gym membership. You can do these workouts for free, at your most convenient time, and anywhere.

2. Significant calories burned.

Bodyweight exercises use up and train you to get stronger over time since you rely on different muscle groups. This burns tons of calories and increases your metabolism even hours after you’ve finished a workout.

Read More: 5 Surprising Reasons You’re Not Losing Weight

3. Improves your flexibility.

Professional cheerleaders are known for their fast and powerful movements without sustaining injuries. These great performances would not be possible without flexibility. Bodyweight training moves all your joints and helps you stretch those tight muscles.

Beginner-friendly Bodyweight Exercises


Stand with your feet apart, slightly wider than your hips. Keep your spine in a neutral position and look straight ahead. Stretch your arms in front of you. Push your butt down as close to the floor as possible. Return to a standing position.

Wall push-ups

Push-ups target the triceps, chest muscles, shoulders, and the muscles beneath your armpits. The standard wall push-up is the easiest to perform for starters. Remember that the farther your feet are from the wall, the more challenging it becomes.


Want to know a secret? Burpees are king of bodyweight exercises. They look simple but they’re brutal as they engage all your muscles. A beginner can start small by doing 10 reps. To do the basic burpee, be in a standing position, get down on the floor with both hands on the ground (plank style), and hop back to the standing position.

Walking lunges

Yearning for sexy legs and a lifted butt? You won’t go wrong with walking lunges. This fat-blasting bodyweight workout does not only tone your lower body, it strengthens it and improves your balance. Start by standing with your feet apart. Put your hands on your hips. As you step forward with one leg, flex your knee. Pull your body downwards until your rear knee gently touches the ground.

Jumping Jacks

Here’s a simple workout you can do with minimal space: the jumping jacks. Start in a standing position with your feet apart. Arms down. Next, jump with your hands over your head. Return to the starting position. Do as many reps as you can.


There’s no reason not to move your entire body today with these simple bodyweight exercises. As with any workout, bodyweight training requires consistency and an increase in reps over time to take effect. You don’t want that workout plateau. Hopefully, you’ll meet your pro cheerleader fitness goals in no time. Good luck!

Professional cheerleading is a lifestyle - A lifestyle dedicated to fitness.

Cheerleaders are renowned for staying fit and strong so they can give out their best performance in the arena.

However, achieving that wow-worthy, toned physique doesn’t happen overnight. You need to arm yourself with the right daily workouts.

With that, we offer you our fun, FREE (for a LIMITED time) POM FIT™ INTRO CLASS that ensures powerful cardio moves you can keep up with.


To take your cheerleading fitness to the next level, we have POM FIT™: GAMEDAY1™ - a series of classes for a full body cardio workout. All for one low enrollment fee.