Are You Meant for the Pro Cheer Life? 8 Questions to Ask Yourself

One of the things we ask ourselves as women is this: What am I destined for? Becoming part of an NFL or NBA cheerleading squad is something that many females dream of, but like all dreams in the world, professional cheerleading is only for a select few. Even women who invest in a lot of fitness and dance training a year before the tryouts, moms and college students alike, experience rejection on the big day.

In every dreamer, there is a unique trigger that ignites the passion to pursue something. Whatever yours may be, perhaps by now you are wondering whether professional cheerleading is really for you. How can you be so sure?

I have 8 questions to share and I ask that you sit down and answer them honestly, one by one. Hopefully, after you finish this list, you’ll be able to decide.

1. Do you feel thrilled to be on the field with the crowd and your sports team?

Can you picture the energy that radiates down onto a sports field or court from the fans? When a crowd roars, you feel it in your bones. When your team scores live right in front of your eyes, your heart pumps faster and harder. Professional sports fill you with so much energy, and there’s no greater feeling than to be with your NFL or NBA heroes in person. 

2. Do you have dance training or are you willing to invest in it?

Professional cheerleaders dance a lot. If you want to be part of a pro cheer squad, dance training is a requirement. While being a dancer at heart is a winning factor, still, women without a lot of dance background can get better to the level of skill that’s needed – that’s if they invest time and effort in dance classes. Remember that you’ll be dancing alongside skilled dancers, so be prepared to level up.

3. Do you naturally give off positive vibes and energize those around you?

A natural positive energy is one of the best things that professional cheerleaders are known to have. They visit camps, make appearances, and participate in charity events to bring more happiness to people. When a cheerleader walks into a room, the room’s energy should increase, not decrease. People should feel drawn to that person. You may not be born with this kind of personality, but if you’re willing to work on becoming a glowing force of positivity, you’re meant for the pro cheer life.

4. Can you commit to the squad’s rehearsal schedules?

While the squads recognize that their cheerleaders hold full-time/part-time jobs and may be attending college, total commitment to professional cheerleading is a must. If you make the team, you’ll be rehearsing with your cheer sisters on certain days a week, usually on evenings. That includes some Saturdays. Before you audition, think about what your work-life balance looks like. Would you be willing to commit?

5. Do you have good manners?

It’s not just beauty and glamour that matter in professional cheerleading. Once you’re a cheerleader, you are automatically a role model to everyone especially women, children, and aspiring professional cheerleaders. People look up to you for inspiration, and this puts pressure on you to change for the best. Be strong but kind and polite to others. “Classy,” not “trashy,” should be the best word to describe you.

6. Do you have the willingness and discipline to prepare ahead of time?

It took me three years before I was able to make my dream team, the Charger Girls. One very important lesson I learned from that experience is that preparation is the key. Procrastination is a major enemy when the goal is so far in the future. Now is actually the best time to start preparing for the tryouts. And believe me when I say that you have all the resources you need to get started. There are so many self-help books, fitness training videos, and classes you can join.

Suggested reading: The Five Steps to Increase Your Commitment to Your Goals

7. Do you have an enthusiasm for sports or would you be willing to learn more?

To be part of a cheer squad in the NFL or NBA means that you’re familiar with the sport. If you love football or basketball since you were a child, answering the judges’ questions will be a breeze. But if sporting events aren’t within your interests, consider researching the sport’s history, rules, and background. Watch the games on television with your friends and family. Read books like Football for Dummies or Basketball for Dummies.

8. Are you physically fit?

Professional cheerleaders are athletes. As athletes, physical fitness is a requirement. Many women who audition aren’t really fit, and it is this lack of fitness that keeps them off. They may have poor muscle tone and flabby arms. Don’t let the judges get the impression that you are living a sedentary type of lifestyle. A toned body doesn’t happen overnight. Work on it months or years ahead. Also, see a physician to evaluate whether you are medically fit to engage in strenuous exercises for long periods.

Suggested reading: Top Fitness Hacks You Need In Preparation for the Pro Cheer Auditions

Can you picture yourself dancing under the bright lights alongside gorgeous cheerleaders, cheering at professional-level sporting events?

If you dream of joining a professional dance team audition but have no idea on how to get started, my book entitled Professional Cheerleading Audition Secrets: How To Become an Arena Cheerleader for NFL®, NBA®, and Other Pro Cheer Teams will guide you every step of the way.

I decided to write this book to help you discover the best tips and advice on staying fit and beautiful, adopting the right mindset, maintaining your image, and more - based on my 20+ years of experience in the professional cheerleading industry.

Grab your own copy of my book by clicking the text or image below:

Professional Cheerleading Audition Secrets: How To Become an Arena Cheerleader for NFL®, NBA®, and Other Pro Cheer Teams