8 Creative Ways to Get More Steps Each Day

Hippocrates once said that walking is man’s best medicine. Walking is a simple way to get more active, especially if your goal is to increase your fitness level for a future pro cheer audition. Study also shows that a 10,000 step goal per day for more than 3 days a week is comparable with 30 minutes of moderate to intense physical activity on most days of the week.

Regardless of whether that study is true, we are sure of this: The more steps we take, the more calories we burn. The more toned our bodies and the better our health! The problem is that regular walking to increase one’s step count is easier said than done. So, in this article, I’m going to show you a few creative ways to add more steps into your daily routine.

1. Take the stairs instead of the elevator.

You probably know this strategy already, but it still deserves to be on this list because most people don’t do it! Climbing stairs is a great form of cardiovascular workout. It tones your butt since you’re engaging your gluteus maximus muscles.

2. Start meeting your step goal first thing in the morning.

Aiming for 6,000 steps? 10,000 steps? To make sure that you meet your step goal for the day, get started early! Starting later in the day requires more willpower because you’re already exhausted. Set a morning alarm 1-2 hours early.

3. Move around during your work break.

Work from home? Get off the chair every hour and do some jumping jacks or running in place for one minute. If you work in an office, get up and walk around. Walk to the water dispenser to grab yourself a refreshing glass of water. 

4. Walk for charity.

Charity walks are great opportunities for aspiring professional cheerleaders to be able to support a cause and involve themselves in the community. You might meet new people who are also on a journey to boost their fitness.

5. Walk around while talking on the phone.

Instead of sitting on the couch while having a phone conversation, walk while talking. Aside from increasing your number of steps, this also helps your mind become more active. It may be simple, but it works.

6. Start a fitness challenge with a friend.

There’s no better way to stay motivated to boost your steps than to compete with a friend. Set a step goal for the day and week. Whoever completes the step goal last will offer the winner a treat - like a cup of coffee!

7. Adopt an after-dinner walking ritual.

Take short walks during the evening, after your meal. Why not invite your family to go strolling with you as well? A 15-20 minute walk will help you feel lighter too as walking aids your digestion.

8. Plan a walking route.

Interested in discovering new places? Love exercising outdoors? Set a walking route for yourself and your girlfriends. To ensure safety, choose a route that everyone takes because there’s a huge chance that these routes have stop-off points. There are plenty of tools and resources that can help you plot your routes. Ask for recommendations too.

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Pro cheerleaders stay fit, flexible, and strong so they can give out their best performance in the arena. However, achieving that wow-worthy, toned physique doesn’t happen overnight. You need to arm yourself with the right daily workouts.

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