Eating for Performance: Nutrition Tips for Dancers

Dancing is physically and mentally demanding. We can all agree on that. To perform our best, one of the best strategies we can use is making sure that we fuel right. In other words, consuming foods that are unprocessed (or minimally processed) and nutrient-dense.

In this article, we’re going to list five helpful nutrition strategies that will support your energy needs, boost your health as a performer, and look and feel good. Whether you’re a current or aspiring dancer, these tips are for you.

Prioritize high-quality protein sources.

If there’s one macronutrient that you should never sacrifice, that’s protein. Protein is especially crucial for active individuals like yourself. It promotes muscle repair and preservation — not to mention, it increases your satiety, which supports your fat loss goals. When it comes to protein sources, animal protein is the best since it has all the essential amino acids that your body needs. Healthy examples include eggs, beef, poultry, pork, and seafood.

Always eat fresh!

Fresh food is best for overall health. This is because unprocessed foods retain their nutrients (vitamins and minerals) and don’t contain sugars that drive inflammation and promote weight gain. When it comes to fresh produce, go for the ones that are in season for maximum flavor.  

Healthy recipes using fresh foods don’t need to be elaborate. You can make a delicious sandwich out of whole grain bread, lettuce, lean chicken breast, cheddar cheese, and mayonnaise.

Read more: Pro Cheer Nutrition: Tips to Make Healthy Choices When Eating Out

Supplement with electrolytes.

In a previous article, we discussed the importance of electrolytes for your health and wellness routine. Dancers and pro cheerleaders engage in a lot of physical activity, which puts them at risk of an electrolyte imbalance. Electrolytes must be maintained within the right levels to support muscle and nerve function, enabling you to thrive.

Make sure to incorporate electrolytes in your diet. Good sources include low-sugar or sugar-free electrolyte beverages (you can even make one at home), spinach, nuts, and avocados.

Eat healthy carbs before an intense activity.

Carbohydrates can give your body the “extra push” it needs to power through a tough workout or dance session. These should be consumed about 2 hours before your activity. A healthy carb source could be something like a bowl of oatmeal topped with banana slices and blueberries.

On the other hand, if your activity starts within an hour, go for simple carbs (for quick digestion) such as yogurt, a sweet fruit, or nutrition bar.

Always listen to your body.

Everybody’s nutrition can look different. This is because we are all unique. For example, foods that make a person feel good may have the opposite effect on you. Body awareness is so important to optimize your diet. One highly effective strategy that will help you increase body awareness is journaling — this entails writing down how a meal makes you feel. Did you experience bloating? Digestive issues? Or was your stomach calm?

Final Thoughts

Nutrition plays a huge role in supporting your overall health and wellness. In addition to eating the right foods, some athletes prefer taking supplements to take their performance to the next level. Before doing so, be sure to speak with your doctor.

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