Effective Anti-Diet Tips To Lose Weight Healthily

Do you ever wonder how you can achieve a pro cheerleader's body and keep it that way for good? 

The problem with a lot of weight loss strategies is that they're shortcuts or put too much focus on food. Shortcuts for weight loss only bring short term results. On the other hand, keeping a certain “diet” can make a person obsess about food all the time - what to eat and what not to eat.

While I have nothing against those who follow restrictive or fad diets (although these diets aren’t always sustainable for everyone), professional cheerleaders and anyone else who wants to achieve a healthier weight need to understand that long term weight loss results only happen if they address the very reasons that lead to weight gain.

Let me ask you these questions:

When was the last time you ate because you were hungry and not because you felt compelled to do so?

Are your cravings influenced by the need to eat healthily and not the need to feel better?

Have you yo-yo dieted for years and still aren’t satisfied with the results?

The anti-diet strategies below will help you look at food as your friend – not your enemy. You will start developing a mindful awareness to eating. You will feel more empowered and not deprived. Your body won’t ever go into a starvation mode. You will lose weight and not regain it all back (and even more).

1. Stop the inner critic.

I know that a lot of women who want to lose weight make fun of themselves. They crack jokes about the body parts they hate and subconsciously compare their weight and shape to that of another woman. Pay attention to what you say about yourself because the more you focus on negative affirmations, the less motivated you’ll become to stay fit. You are a work in progress! Lose weight by practicing self-love.

2. Don’t turn to food for comfort.

When we experience stress or want to “reward” ourselves, we often seek comfort foods. Rarely are these foods beneficial for our bodies. Ice cream. Pizza. Cheesecake. Fries. We always mistake emotional hunger for physical hunger. Food is never the solution to emotional hunger! You will only feel good temporarily but worse later because you realize that you’ve consumed extra calories. 

3. Eat foods that you love that are actually healthy.

The main problem with diets that require you to stick with certain foods is that they make you feel so deprived. In time, you will lose control and what happens is that you compensate by eating back all those restricted foods and gaining more weight than what you lost at the beginning. Here’s a strategy: Instead of obsessing about the foods to avoid, explore those that taste good that are beneficial. That way, you get a variety, fill your body with complete nutrition, and feel more satisfied!

4. Avoid distracted eating. 

Are you a distracted eater? Distracted eating happens when we do something else while we eat – texting, watching television, chatting with our friends, checking our email, or driving our car. Our culture of multitasking has led us to forget how important it is to savor our food and take the time to chew. Distracted people tend to eat faster, consume more calories, crave more snacks, forget what they ate, and report feeling less satisfied. By practicing mindful eating, you can better listen to your satiety cues. 

5. Be realistic about your weight loss goals.

Too many women feel frustrated about their weight loss results and the reason for this is that they set unreasonable targets. If you seek sustainable weight loss while preparing yourself for the pro cheerleading auditions, you need to stop thinking that achieving a healthy weight happens fast and within a specific time frame. Put in mind that every woman has a unique body (unique genetic makeup, metabolism, and hormonal responses) and therefore reacts differently to fitness strategies. Know what works for you and have fun with the process instead of stressing about the results!

6. Get rid of an all or nothing thinking. 

If you made an unhealthy choice like skipped breakfast or overate at lunch, bounce back immediately. Do not dwell on guilty feelings. Never tell yourself, "I messed up today and everything's ruined," or "I overindulged anyway so I might as well keep eating and just start again tomorrow." Get rid of these sabotaging thoughts. Think about the next best thing you can do and do it. 

Final Thoughts

Healthy and lasting weight loss is only possible if you adopt the right habits - physically, mentally, and emotionally. Think in a holistic way. Weight loss does not have to be emotional, restrictive, and depressing. Love your body and it will love you back. 

Can you picture yourself dancing under the bright lights alongside gorgeous cheerleaders, cheering at professional-level sporting events?

If you would love to join a professional dance team audition but have no idea on how to get started, my book entitled “Professional Cheerleading Audition Secrets: How To Become an Arena Cheerleader for NFL®, NBA®, and Other Pro Cheer Teams” will guide you every step of the way.

I decided to write this book to help you discover reliable tips and advice on adopting the right mindset, maintaining your image, staying fit and beautiful, and more - based on my 20+ years of experience in the cheerleading industry.

Grab your own copy of my book by clicking the text or image below:

Professional Cheerleading Audition Secrets: How To Become an Arena Cheerleader for NFL®, NBA®, and Other Pro Cheer Teams