Great Benefits to Working out in the Morning

One of the questions I often get from first-time aspiring professional cheerleaders is this: “What’s the best time of the day to exercise?” As a former professional cheerleader myself, I would say that sweat sessions depend on your personal schedule and energy levels. If you can’t get up early or if you’re not a morning person really, do it in the afternoon if that works best for you. 

But today, I would like to touch on the benefits of starting your day with a good sweat. Why is a morning workout amazing? Let’s discuss five advantages below.

1. You’ll have more energy throughout the day.

I know that it can be annoying to have to wake yourself up early in the day for some exercise. But according to the The National Institute for Fitness & Sport, working out in the morning gives you the energy boost you need to face the day. That’s an added benefit to your performance at work or school.

2. You’re less likely to skip the workout.

Exercise consistency is actually more important than the time of the day. Consistency is the key to success in anything. It’s how you build momentum and establish a solid routine no matter the circumstances. Mornings are perfect for building consistency because there are no distractions. Most people are still asleep.

3. A morning workout improves your sleep at night.

Choosing to workout later in the day can impact your sleep. A morning workout helps your body feel more ready to sleep at night. A study has shown that people who worked out in the morning had a deeper and better sleep quality.

4. Better workouts every time.

Would you exert less effort in something after pushing through just to make that happen? Of course not. Nobody likes to exercise very lightly and only for 5 minutes after forcing herself to get out of bed. That would be such a waste of effort.

Read More: 5 Motivational Tricks for Fitness That Work

5. Make healthier choices throughout the day.

Working out is a great way to start your day on a positive note. Each day is a blank slate, a chance to be awesome. Instead of pouncing straight out of bed to prepare for work, invest time to fulfill your dream by getting that sweat session done. One positive choice inspires you to do more for the rest of your day.

Get Started With Fitness And Flexibility

Professional Cheerleading is a lifestyle - A lifestyle dedicated to fitness.

Cheerleaders are renowned for staying fit, flexible, and strong so they can give out their best performance in the arena. However, achieving that wow-worthy, toned physique doesn’t happen overnight. You need to arm yourself with the right daily workouts.

With that, we are offering you our fun, FREE (for a LIMITED time) POM FIT™ INTRO CLASS that ensures powerful cardio moves you can keep up with.

To take your cheerleading fitness to the next level, we have POM FIT™: GAMEDAY1™ - a series of full-body cardio classes that include a body stretch class, kick stretch class, abdominal workout class, and more. 

Join a POM FIT™ class below:


POM FIT™: GAMEDAY1™ ($27.00 USD)