How Do You Get Past a Weight Loss Plateau?

In your journey towards a healthier and fitter self, you’ll be experiencing lots of challenges - and one of them is a weight loss plateau. A weight loss plateau is a time period where you’re not losing weight anymore despite your efforts. During the first few weeks of your regimen, you notice the number on the scale drop fast. But now, it won’t budge.

Don’t be discouraged when you hit a wall. Weight loss plateaus are temporary and they happen even to the most disciplined aspiring pro cheerleader. Today, I want to help you break a plateau using these proven tips. Read on.

1. Cut back on carbohydrates.

If you need to lose more weight, you can do it faster by eating fewer carbohydrates. When you cut back on carbs, your body loses excess water (which causes bloating). Reducing carbs also helps your body burn fat instead of storing it.

2. Ensure proper hydration.

People often focus on food and physical activity, yet often ignore the aspect of hydration. A study revealed that those who are poorly hydrated have higher body weights and are at risk for obesity. Water is an effective appetite suppressant. It increases your metabolism. Most importantly, it cleanses your body.

3. Vary your workouts.

Are you doing the same workouts every day? Spice up your routine by mixing things up once in a while. It will not only prevent boredom, but also overcome a plateau. You can increase your workout intensity, try a new movement, increase your reps, or add more weight. Arrange a new playlist!

Read more: 5 Quick Ways to Improve Your Audition Prep Workouts

4. Track what you eat.

You could be eating unhealthy foods more often, but don’t realize it. Make sure that you write down everything you eat and how much you ate. At the end of the day, you’ll be able to identify whether you ate whole, unfilling foods in the right amounts. A food diary is a simple way to keep track of your diet.

5. Take a rest.

Sometimes, the best strategy to get past a weight loss plateau is to rest. This applies to candidates who push too hard. Your body needs to recharge so that it can always perform its best. Don’t feel guilty about not going to the gym for a few days.

6. Try intermittent fasting.

Intermittent fasting (IF) isn’t for everyone. It’s best for people who can tolerate going for hours without food. In case you don’t know what IF is, it’s a method where you cycle between fasting and eating. The easiest way to do IF is to skip meals - for example, breakfast.

7. Choose low-carb vegetables.

Speaking of carbohydrates, you should not that not all vegetables are weight loss friendly simply because they pack more sugar. Examples of high-carb options to limit include sweet potatoes, beets, and carrots. On the other hand, low-carb options include cucumbers, celery, broccoli, spinach, and cauliflower.

8. Look beyond the scale.

Finally, you should know that the scale isn’t the most reliable indicator of fitness progress. Instead of obsessing over numbers (which can fluctuate often), focus on how you feel and look. Do your clothes fit better? Are you more energetic and able to do tough workouts?

Final Thoughts

I know how frustrating it can be to experience a weight loss plateau. But again, it happens to everyone. What’s most important is that you stay on the high road! Follow the tips we discussed and you’ll lose weight again safely.

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