How Pro Cheerleaders Can Incorporate Ayurveda Into Their Everyday Life

There are areas of wellness and health where conventional medicine doesn’t have any effect. You would be surprised that no matter how many workouts or dieting you undergo, the desired improvement just doesn’t happen. You don’t get any slimmer or your skin doesn’t get any fairer.

Then you hear that an unconventional way works. Something that cannot be explained by science but rather by a spiritual connection between woman and nature. Something that’s called Ayurveda.

What is Ayurveda and its Benefits?

Ayurveda is a natural system of medicine that originated in India. It has existed for more than 3,000 years and literally translates into “Knowledge of Life”. Ayurveda believes that diseases are caused by stress in a person’s consciousness.

Practicing Ayurveda uses natural therapies and lifestyle intervention to heal the mind, body, spirit, and the environment. The ayurvedic treatment starts by purifying yourself internally. Then, it is followed by a special diet, herbal remedies, massage therapy, yoga, and meditation.

By using Ayurveda as an aspiring and current pro cheerleader, you get the benefits of being less at risk of high blood pressure, cholesterol, illnesses, and diseases. You also feel less stressed. Your hair and skin are healthier and glowing. Losing weight is better and figure maintenance is easier.

How to Incorporate Ayurveda Into Your Life as a Pro Cheerleader

1. Choosing to moderate instead of eliminate

Ayurveda believes in the philosophy where anything can be medicine or poison. Eating a bar of chocolate or having a night out is healthy because it pleases the mind. Yet, too much of these are bad for the body.

By understanding this, you’ll find that there are lines of things you love you shouldn’t cross. So how do you do it? You moderate your indulgences in life rather than eliminate it completely.

2. Make your food your medicine

Another belief that Ayurveda follows is that every pantry is a medicine cabinet. The seasonings that you have doesn’t just add flavor to your meals, they also do wonders for your health.

For example, let’s take a look at a bell pepper. You know that it’s spicy and makes your food taste better. What you don’t know is that it’s rich in vitamin C, iron, and potassium which boosts your immunity and helps in your digestion.

Ayurveda understands that the key to a healthy and beautiful body is a happy stomach. It doesn’t mean to give in to your cravings. It means eating foods with nutrients that your body needs.

3. Meet yourself with love and compassion

As we grow old, we notice that being stressed does indeed affect our overall health and appearance. Sometimes, these stresses are caused by a lack of self-confidence and the fear of failure.

By leaving our stresses unchecked, the pro cheer life journey becomes harder to travel. This is where Ayurveda’s internal purification comes in. One purification technique is to fight your stresses with affirmations.

If you find your mind working against you through bad judgment, you can drive those bad judgments away by countering them with your words of affirmation. Instead of beating yourself up for not being able to do a pro cheer prep activity, say to yourself, “This is a lesson that will teach me to do better next time.”

4. Dance with the Earth

We, humans, are diurnal beings. That means that we’re all wired to be active at daylight and rest at night. Ayurveda teaches us that we should live according to the rhythm of nature. So reserve the night for resting instead of binging Netflix or browsing social media.

Make it a habit to go to bed at 10 pm and rise at 6 am. When you get used to it, start to sleep earlier and wake up 15 minutes earlier every day.

Ayurveda is an all-natural lifestyle, which means your lifestyle should be more dependent on the natural way. Aim to eat food that is unprocessed. Sleep during the night. Train your thought process to be like the wilderness - simple, peaceful, beautiful, and cool. Don’t let it mirror the urban situation where it is chaotic and polluted.

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Professional Cheerleading Audition Secrets: How To Become an Arena Cheerleader for NFL®, NBA®, and Other Pro Cheer Teams