How to Make Exercise a Daily Habit

There are days when you just feel too lazy to workout. Don’t even lie about it. As your workout time steadily approaches, you tell yourself, “Meh, skipping today's session won't hurt.”

You know that you need exercise in preparation for the pro cheer auditions -- no doubt about that. But do you know what makes exercise more effective? Making it a daily habit.

Ready those workout clothes because I’m about to tell you the 8 techniques that will help you workout on a regular basis.

1. Set it as a priority with a good reason

Mark your calendar. Write it as the #1 reminder in your notes. Set an alarm on your phone. Most importantly, ask yourself WHY YOU MUST WORKOUT. Remind yourself of your "why" first thing in the morning or right before you're about to decide to skip a day.  

2. Make your exercises consistent rather than intense

Start easy -- not hard. Why? Rushing will ruin the quality of your workouts due to overfatigue. This leads to more missed days and worse, injury. The last thing you want is to feel discouraged and quit.

Instead of rushing, promise yourself to workout daily but at your own pace. Slowly but surely is the way to go. When you feel that your body has adjusted and no longer feels fatigued from the previous exercises, you can now add more workout intensity.

Be in the social circle of people who are fit

If you surround yourself with fit-living people, you will live in a lifestyle of fitness. If you surround yourself with people who are unhealthy and lazy, chances are you will be the same as them.

Since pro cheer auditions are fast approaching, consider seeking the guidance of a fitness coach or professional for expert help. Another great idea would be to find someone who can commit to exercising daily with you.

Acknowledge the fact that sometimes, you simply can't distance yourself from people who live an unhealthy lifestyle. Treat this as a challenge that will test your self-control.

Read: How to Overcome Your Excuses (Because They Don’t Get Results)

Don't limit your workouts at the gym only

If you have a space at home that is enough for you to move, utilize that space for exercising. Buy yourself workout equipment that you can carry anywhere to make exercise an unbreakable habit.

Try new environments -- by the beach, at the park, or a new fitness studio if that suits you. Find the perfect time that allows you to enjoy the workout venue because it's less crowded and allows you to focus. Personally, I like exercising in the morning because it's peaceful and there are less pollution and noise. 

Start moving even if you’re not in the mood

Laziness won't yield results. Put your gym clothes on and start moving.

If you're sick and your symptoms are above your neck, it's okay to exercise. If your symptoms are below your neck, please rest until you've recovered.

Choose activities that you enjoy

Do you like running? Then run. Do you like lifting? Then lift. Do you like to hit something with your fists and feet? Then do kickboxing. Anything you love doing as long as it makes you move and sweat are good. Even cleaning your entire house is just as good as stretching or doing yoga. The key here is doing anything you enjoy that makes you sweat.

Record your exercises

List how many reps you did. How many laps you made. How many hours you spent. Recording your workouts inspires you to do better and remain consistent. Imagine yourself reading your exercise journal then feeling proud of the numbers. You remember how much sweat you made and how good you felt. 

Reward yourself in a healthy way

A good way to make a habit stick is to reinforce it positively. Reward yourself but do it healthily. For example, if you feel proud of overcoming laziness and want ice cream, buy yogurt instead. If you want a burger as compensation for 10 laps around the oval, get a veggie burger. 

Need a Great Routine for Your Pro Cheer Audition Practice?

Pro cheerleaders stay fit, flexible, and strong so they can give out their best performance in the arena. However, achieving that wow-worthy, toned physique doesn’t happen overnight. You need to arm yourself with the right daily workouts.

Thinking of becoming a pro cheerleader? 

We are offering you our fun, FREE (for a LIMITED time) POM FIT™ INTRO CLASS that teaches you beginner-friendly cardio moves.

To take your cheerleading fitness to the next level, we also have POM FIT™: GAMEDAY1™ - a series of challenging full-body cardio classes that include a body stretch class, kick stretch class, abdominal workout class, and more. 

Join a POM FIT™ class below: