How to Save Money to Achieve Your Pro Cheer Dreams (Part 2)

As promised, here is the continuation of tips on how to fund your pro cheer dream. If you haven’t read part 1 yet. Click this link.

1. Buy quality goods

When looking for sports, dance apparel, everyday clothing, or makeup, cheap doesn’t always mean good. Yes, you can save a lot of money but they will get damaged quickly which leads you to buy new ones regularly. And don’t even think of buying cheap makeup.

2. Mix your wardrobe or simplify your style

If you already have lots of clothing in your wardrobe, there’s no point in getting more and draining your resources. A couple of seldomly-used blouses and blazers combined can give you a new look daily.

And if you want to keep it simple, a white shirt, blue jeans, and rubber shoes should suffice. The best part of this is that you’ll save more time when dressing up because you don’t need to overthink it.

3. Buy produce from farmer’s markets

Produce from farmer’s markets are more affordable, fresh, and safely grown on the peak of growing seasons. Unlike the products you buy from grocery stores that aren’t just more expensive but have been in the coolers since God knows when.

4. Use a piggy bank

It’s kind of old school, but a piggy bank is the best way to save up cash and extra pennies from daily activities. What I like about using a piggy bank for savings than a real bank is that you’ll have to think twice before smashing that cute little swine.

With an ATM card, all you have to do is find a machine and press a few buttons to get money. It doesn’t really help you save up.

5. Attach to a subscription

I always recommend that you sleep early to live a healthy pro cheer life. That means staying away from streaming services like Netflix during the night. Since you’re using your solo subscription once in a while, it’s better to deactivate your account and attach to a premium family plan.

6. Go for long-term discounted dance class membership

The cost of attending dance classes is a lot even if it’s $40 per session. You also have registration fees. Just imagine this, taking two dance classes every week during the weekends is already $80.

Multiply that with 52 - the number of weeks in a year and you’ll be spending $4,160 annually. If there is an annual membership plan where you can save more, take it. It’s good for you because you’ll think twice before skipping class due to the costs. This significantly develops your skills for dancing as well.

7. Be kind to your clothes

Just because you’re wearing durable and simple apparel doesn’t mean you should be careless or always be testing out their limits when wearing them. Just be as careful of them as you are when wearing a newly-bought white dress.

8. Cut the cord

Watching Netflix is one of the costly luxuries we have nowadays. Not only do you have to pay for a subscription, but it also adds a lot of kilowatt-hours to your monthly electricity bill. If you do watch Netflix, do it to unwind, not to binge.

The same goes for your computer, do it for work and other important tasks, not procrastinate on social media.

9. Sell your old stuff online

At some time in the future, you might find it more productive to dress simply every day or own fewer possessions. Because of this newly found lifestyle, you might want to dispose of your stuff as well as your clothing.

They say that one woman’s trash is another woman’s treasure. But in this case, you can still make money selling your trash and use that money to fund your pro cheer needs.

10. Be your own barista

This may be a weird stereotype, but sometimes I can agree to it based on observation. A lot of women are sort of addicted to coffee shops and I don’t know why. If you notice yourself going to stores like Starbucks more often than you should, it might be best to invest in a coffee machine.

A machine might be expensive, but in the long run, you will save a lot of money. You’ll also learn the valuable skill of coffee-making which you can turn into a small business.

The ideal pro cheerleader is a woman who can do a lot with less while still being able to stand out from the rest. That means being able to dance well, be confident, eat healthily, be beautiful, stay fit, and be glamorous with a little spending.

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