Pro Cheer Happiness Habits to Practice Daily

Some people associate happiness with something conditional, like reaching certain milestones or experiencing certain events. They assume that meeting these conditions can make them happy. But if your happiness depends on things you cannot control, you may never reach it.

Happiness is a choice, and it’s up to you to intentionally choose it every day. Your perception, attitude, and habits in your professional cheerleading and dance career are more likely to increase your happiness than you waiting for something special to happen.  

With that in mind, here are five habits you can practice daily to help you experience that pleasurable and satisfying feeling of being happy.

1. Smile more often

Smiling may be involuntary, but it can also be a conscious, intentional choice. A smile spurs a powerful chemical reaction in the brain that can help fight off stress. Plenty of evidence suggests that genuine, intense smiling can lead to longevity, boost the immune system, and relieve stress.

What’s crazy is that even when you force a fake smile, you can still enjoy the same benefits because your brain only sees the physical act of smiling and not your intention behind it. 

As a professional cheerleader, smiling is probably second nature to you. So, keep on doing it and elevate your mood and the moods of people around you. 

2. Treat your body well

Having a healthy mind and body can significantly influence your happiness. After all, it’s much harder to feel happy when your body is sick or not getting the nourishment it needs. Treating your body well means ensuring proper hydration and nutrition, adequate sleep, and regular exercise.

While practicing your routines and dance counts as exercise and is a great way to increase physical activity, doing it excessively can drain your body. So, don’t forget to supplement your practices by staying hydrated, eating nutritious foods, and sleeping at least 7-9 hours daily.

3. Limit social media

Social media platforms are great avenues for getting information and connecting with people you don’t see often. However, spending too much time on social media will expose you to its dark side and the negativity it brings.

For instance, reading fake news leads to misinformation, comparing yourself to others lowers your self-esteem, and obsessing about what others think of you leads to vanity, all of which can induce loneliness and depression.       

If you want to increase your happiness, you should learn to limit your social media and divert your free time to improving your cheerleading skills or creating new memories with your loved ones instead. 

Related post: Use These Self-Care Strategies to Boost Your Mental Health (Despite a Busy Schedule)

4. Foster connection

It’s easier to feel happy when you have a network of friends and family who support you, especially during the most challenging times. Maintain friendships and social connections with your fellow cheerleaders even when you’re not practicing or participating in certain events. Spend more time with your family at home and talk to them more often. Having a sense of belongingness can inspire your personal growth and make you feel better about yourself.

5. Be grateful

Being grateful for the good things you have in life is the quickest way to increase your happiness. You may think that your life right now is not what you expect it to be, but if you learn to appreciate and relish the things around you, you’ll realize there’s so much in your life to be thankful for. No matter what you’re going through, exercising gratitude and happiness will come to you naturally. 


Being happy is a choice, and external factors cannot guarantee your happiness — only you can. Having the right mindset and adding these five habits to your daily routine can help you feel happier, no matter your life circumstances.  

So, the next time you feel sad, cheer up and hang out with your friends and family, feel grateful simply for being alive, and don’t forget to spread love and happiness with that beautiful smile of yours.

Get Our Pro Cheerleading Top 

Hey, ladies!!! 👋 Do you need a pro-cheer-inspired top to wear during your workout or next summer camp? I designed the perfect shirt for these important occasions. You can even wear it on a regular day to express yourself. Choose from 5 great colors: White, Baby Blue, Cranberry, Silver, and Lemon.