Tiny Changes That Will Make Your Pro Cheer Prep 10 Times More Enjoyable

Fact: You do more of the things that you enjoy. So if you aren’t consistent with something, there’s a huge chance that you don’t enjoy what you do.

I honestly think that this sends out a powerful message to all women out there who aspire to become professional cheerleaders. Knowing that enjoyment has a multiplying effect on your goals is one reason to start finding ways to feel happiness in what you do -- whether that’s exercising, practicing your dance technique, or simply researching more about your dream cheer squad. 

Make these small changes to massively enjoy your whole pro cheer prep experience.

1. Do it before 8:00 am.

I’ve always offered this piece of advice here at Pro Cheer Life -- to get moving and get things done before everybody else in the world does. There is so much power in waking up at 4:30 am or 5:00 am because you get to work on your dreams with zero distractions. Not having to rush sparks positive feelings. As you head out the door, you smile knowing that you already did your part for audition prep.

2. Play some mood-enhancing music.

A study showed that people listen to music for two main reasons: To relieve boredom and maintain a positive mood. Upbeat music brings pleasant memories and improves your learning. The next time you read an audition prep ebook, do some stretching or fill out an online application, play music in the background that makes you feel good.

3. Don’t let yourself get too overwhelmed.

You know that you are capable of accomplishing anything you set your mind to. But human as you are, eventually you’ll start to feel tired and cranky. Give yourself the opportunity to relax. You deserve sanity breaks! A “GO, GO, GO” mentality leads to burnout physically and emotionally. Never push yourself past the point of what you consider to be enjoyable.

4. Focus on what you want, not on what you don’t want.

Help yourself achieve your pro cheer audition goals by putting your FULL ATTENTION to the things you want. Here’s a powerful exercise to do anytime you self-doubt creeps in: Visualize your best possible self. While you’re spending time practicing, only think of the best possible outcomes. How will you dance and speak in front of the judges? How will you dress on the big day? How will you interact with other candidates?

Read More: Positive Visualization Exercises For Your Journey To Becoming A Pro Cheerleader

5. Build connections.

Did you know that anything becomes ten times more enjoyable if done with others? Sign-up for pro cheer audition prep classes. You will surely gain new audition insights and build rapport with fellow candidates. Invite a friend or two to exercise with you. This will help you exercise for longer. Join an online group where you can interact with women who also aspire to be pro cheerleaders.

Final Thoughts

Enjoyment is an essential ingredient in your pro cheer prep. It helps you cope and stay consistent so that you can achieve the end result you want -- making your pro cheer team! What can you do today to enjoy your practice more?

Get Our Pro Cheerleading Top 

Hey, ladies!!! 👋Do you need a pro-cheer-inspired top to wear during your workout or next summer camp? I designed the perfect shirt for these important occasions. You can even wear it on a regular day to express yourself. Choose from 5 great colors: White, Baby Blue, Cranberry, Silver, and Lemon.