Tips for Using Your Workouts to Help You De-Stress

We all know that exercising isn't just a tool that helps you get fitter and stronger, but it's also a great way to relieve stress. You might notice feeling good after working out, and that's because physical activity stimulates the release of endorphins. These are chemicals that interact with your brain that diminish your perception of pain, boost your self-esteem, and reduce feelings of anxiety.

However, workouts can also become your stressor instead of stress-reliever. This is also true among those who are doing their very best in preparation for pro cheerleading auditions. Don't get so consumed by the idea of burning fat and building muscle that you forget to rest and give your body the care that it needs. Here's how to use exercise for de-stressing:

You don't need to do an intense workout every time.

Your workout routine can be lighter on some days if it needs to be. It's not healthy for you to force yourself to engage in HIIT if you're foggy-headed and exhausted from a lack of sleep. If you feel guilty about not being able to exercise, remember that you can do something light and relaxing that will still get you moving such as brisk walking, performing house chores, or freestyle swimming.

Free yourself from distractions. 

If you have a hectic schedule, make working out a perfect time to distance yourself from demands. With that, turn off online notifications or your smartphone. Before you exercise, make sure to prime your mind for exercise. You can do that by reading fitness quotes or rehearsing your exercise routine in your mind for ten minutes. 

Choose a routine that makes you feel good. 

Our response to exercise varies based on our current mood, energy level, hours of sleep the night before, and other factors. For instance, lifting weights won't be a good idea at all if your body is recovering from some sort of injury. Do something that resonates with you today. After all, fitness should be a fun and pleasing experience. 

Give yourself time to recover!

Some people fear that taking more than a few minutes to pause in between workouts or sets will make them lose momentum. Training plans shouldn't be set in stone! If your body is telling you that it needs to relax for a bit, learn to stop. Breathe deeply, relax, and know that everything is going to be fine. Doing this will also allow you to practice mindfulness. 

Vary your workouts. 

If all you do is run and do CrossFit, it's time to switch things up. Doing so will engage your mind and keep it from worrying about you hitting a plateau. Trying out something new every time will also give you a sense of confidence and accomplishment! How about taking your workout outdoors? Hike or ride a bike with your girlfriends. Try Yoga or Ta-Chi.

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