10 Self-Care Tips for Dancers

How are you feeling today, dear pro cheerleader? If you’re feeling great then that’s good to know! Keep it up by putting yourself first before your pro cheer career. Here are more important tips to remember to become an excellent and healthy squad dancer.

1. Make a list of all your dance achievements

Write down your dance accomplishments whether they’re big or small. Performed a jazz routine on a beginner’s level? Write it down. Did a perfect tumble? Write it down as well. This is one good way to boost your mood every time you feel down.

2. Take a day off when you’re tired

There will be days when you’re just exhausted to join squad practice. That’s because you have workouts to do daily and appearances to attend. When you feel overwhelmed, don’t hesitate to contact the coach and call it in.

3. Bathe in hot water

Every time a hectic day ends, always take time to reinvigorate in a hot tub or a hot shower. Hot baths are good for relieving muscle tension and making your skin moisturized. Not to mention it helps you fall asleep faster.

4. Eat hearty meals

Life as a pro cheerleader is physically demanding. In addition to that, you have work or motherhood responsibilities. Make sure you get enough nutrition daily for your activities. Serve yourself a filling meal and eat until you are full. Don’t allow yourself to starve.

5. Visit a salon

Whenever you’re on a day off, get a massage or reward yourself with a new hairstyle. Just remember not to over-style and ruin your crowning glory. If you have extra cash, go to the mall and buy new clothes. It can be for dancing, workouts, or just casual wear.

6. Feed your inspiration

You wanted to be a pro cheerleader because you love dancing or saw someone else cheering that inspired you. Why not watch other performances as well? You might learn a new technique that you can use for the next dance and have your own solo.

7. Never skip stretching

Stretching prevents injuries such as spraining or cramps by readying your muscles for tough activities. Don’t be in a hurry to workout or dance. Stretching will also alleviate muscle soreness so that you won’t feel too much pain hours or the next day after these activities.

8. Always drink a lot of water

Dancing is just like working out. You will sweat a lot. Drinking a lot of water will keep your body cool, well-functioning, and energized. Important tip: Nourish yourself with electrolytes by consuming a healthy amount of sodium. Take supplements as well.

9. Remember to relax and stay focused

Sometimes, coaches can be harsh on dancers. If you can’t take a day off due to an important series of pro cheer events, take deep breaths and support each other in your squad. Laugh a little, cheer yourselves up, and compensate for your lack of breaks with quality nighttime rest.

10. Listen to your body

Once your body tells you it’s in pain, don’t force it to work. Stop dancing or take a break from practicing. When it’s really too much for your body to handle, go home and recover first. It’s better to miss a few days of practice than miss an entire season due to an injury.

A good pro cheerleader knows how to properly take care of herself. She also knows when to give her all while knowing her limits. That’s why you should eat healthily, stay hydrated, and know when to rest. You’re not a machine and in the pro cheer world, your physical and mental wellbeing are your major investments.

Check out these other articles to improve your pro cheer lifestyle:

Need a Great Workout Routine for Your Pro Cheer Audition Prep?

Pro cheerleaders stay fit, flexible, and strong so they can give out their best performance in the arena. However, achieving that wow-worthy, toned physique doesn’t happen overnight. You need to arm yourself with the right daily workouts.

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